Saturday, March 23, 2013

35 weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks (35 days to go!) -March 23
Baby is the size of a: A coconut
Total weight gain/loss: up 35 pounds
Maternity clothes? Maternity and sweats… but some of my sweats are getting tight…  Miss Aubree better make her debut or I will not have any clothes to wear.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: besides waking up for bathroom breaks every 3 hours, sleep is good. 
Miss Anything? Having normal sized ankles and feet!  My ankles look like softballs by the end of the day and my feet get so swollen that I can’t move my toes and my slippers don’t even fit! 
Movement: mostly small movements and wiggles because she is a little cramped in there but once in a while I get a foot trying to kick out of my side.
Food cravings: grapefruit, grilled cheese with cheddar and pepperjack cheese, oranges, and pineapple.
Anything making you queasy or sick: just pizza… yuck.
The Bump: Still getting bigger. 
Picking out a name: Aubree… Still working on the middle name.  Dan likes Mackenzie but that would make her name 23 letters long.  I am leaning towards something a little shorter.
Labor Signs:  Still just some Braxton Hicks… And maybe pre-eclampsia (not really a labor sign, but if my blood work comes back positive it will probably mean an early delivery) 
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Off…
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time this week… but I got put on bed rest on Friday to keep my swelling and blood pressure down.  (Which makes me not-so-happy)  Also, when you poke my skin it leaves a dent which is kinda crazy… but until that goes away I am bored and in bed. :(
Best moment this week:  Hearing our baby’s heartbeat at our appointment is always the best moment of the week (142 BPM).  She is measuring on track and looking healthy.  Also, I love finishing projects!  Her bow holder is done, curtains are hung up, most of her laundry is put away, her bassinet is set up, and her name is above her crib.  Also, Dan and I celebrated 3 years together this week…  I would have never guessed 3 years ago that this is where we would be but I am so lucky and happy to have all of these blessings in my life.
Looking forward to: My doctor is making us start weekly appointments early to keep an eye on my blood pressure and swelling and Baby Aubree’s growth so I am looking forward to making sure that Aubree is healthy.  Mostly, I am just so excited to meet our sweet baby and bring her home!

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