Thursday, May 16, 2013

Aubree is 3 weeks!

And what a crazy 3 weeks it has been!  We have done so much in so little time!  

Aubree had her 2 week check up appointment (I might be a week behind... who would have guessed that living with a newborn was so time consuming. Haha!)  She is doing so well.  Aubree was 6 lb 10 oz which put her in the 12th percentile and she grew 1/4 inch which put her in the 5th percentile...  She might be a little baby.  I am so excited that her doctor was actually my pediatrician.

She also had her first experience with tummy time...  Our little lazy bones decided instead of working on her tummy and neck muscles, she would nap on her belly.  I guess having a laid back baby has ONE drawback.  

It was a week of many firsts! Miss A also had her first time in her bouncy chair and swing.

She also laid in her crib for the first time.  She sleeps in the bassinet in our room (if I am waking up every 2-3 hours, I going to keep her as close as possible) but she hangs out in the crib when I put her laundry away.

We also got her professional newborn pictures back!  Here are a few of our favorites...

Life has been absolutely crazy!  But I wouldn't change a minute of it.  I love this little girl more than anything.  I can't wait to continue watching her grow!

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