Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

June 16, 2013

Each and every day that passes I am reminded how lucky we are to be parents.  Aubree gets bigger and smarter everyday and I absolutely love watching her grow!  I can not believe that she is two months old today!

Happy Father's Day!  

To my Dad.  You are the most helpful, caring, and generous man that I know.  I am so lucky to have you as my dad and Aubree is the luckiest girl in the world to be able to call you Grandpa!

Aubree smiles so much when Grandpa Jim holds her.  She loves him so much!

And to my Husband.  Happy 1st Father's Day!  You are not only an amazing husband, but a great dad. We are two lucky ladies and very blessed to have you in our lives.  You work crazy, long hours to support us and you will never know how much we appreciate all you do for us.  To the man that is always willing to pick up dinner when I am not in the mood to cook (which is almost everyday), the man who puts up with our shopping addiction, Dairy Queen addiction, and crafting addiction, AND who loves us unconditionally.  

I can't speak for Dan, but I think it is safe to say that we had a great Father's Day.  Yesterday we went shopping for Dan's present from Aubree.  (We got him a grill and I was not about to pick it out...)  We went to Target and picked it out.  We then learned that everything on display was 30% off.  Needless to say, we walked out with a patio table with chairs, 2 rocking chairs to match the patio set, an umbrella for the deck, AND the grill.  (And a cart full of things because you can't leave Target without a million things.)  

I also made Dan a beer cake.  Baby A picked out the candy and Mommy picked out the beer for Daddy.  He also got cards from me, Aubree, and our boys, Amp and Jenkins.  And with a little (ok, A LOT) of help from my dad we made Dan a Cornhole game.  We can't wait for have friends over for a BBQ!  Now it will be complete with yard games.

Dan is one lucky guy... he got to wake up to Aubree needing a bath.  After we got her clean and changed we watched movies while we ate Panera and Dairy Queen.  I absolutely love watching movies as a family.  We have to get in all of the adult movies while we can because before we know it, it will only be Disney and kid movies.  Good thing we both enjoy cartoons.  Dan put his grill together and then had to get ready for work.  

Grilling in the living room?

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