Saturday, August 31, 2013

4 Generation Vacation

Aunt Dewey and Charile got married in Washington this weekend so the the four generations got to go on a vacation!  It was really awesome for all of us and we made some amazing memories.

We had to leave for the airport at 3:00 am so we had to wake Aubree up.  She was not a happy camper.  She calmed down after we parked the car and was surprisingly calm as we checked in.  She is 21 pounds in her car seat... It is a heavy 21 pounds after you carry it around for awhile.  Notice the baby Pumas which lasted about 2 hours.  I am in love with baby shoes.

Aubree went down her first escalator!  This is actually a picture of her third escalator ride because we rode back up and down again so we could get a picture.

Aubree was playing with her moose when she bit down on his antler and let out a scream.  Poor baby had a tooth!  

I think she must have bit her tongue.  I couldn't believe that we were about to take a teething baby on her first airplane ride... We were going to be "those people" with "that screaming baby" that people dread flying with.  But, Aubree slept with her Great-Grandma as we boarded the plane and slept until just before take off.  

She nursed and then didn't wake up again until the middle of the flight.  We played with her moose, her apple, watched some tv, and she even danced on the tray table.  She did great.  Don't worry the ear buds lasted just long enough to get a picture and she was done with them.

She nursed during the landing and cried less than her mom...  I have a serious fear of flying and I pray Bree does not inherit that from me.  

Our first stop was a tour of the the Mariner's field, Safeco Stadium.  

We got to go on the field, in the dugout, and Aubree even got to call the pressbox.  

Then we were off on our 2 hour drive to Oak Harbor, where our options were to take a ferry (like drive our car onto a boat... another fear of mine) or take a bridge (yet another of my deepest fears).  We opted for the bridge.  

After a long day we finally got to hang out with Dewey and Charlie and then got to settle in for the night.  Aubree did not sleep well in the pack-n-play that we borrowed... We were all awake within 2 hours, so we tried our hand at co-seeping, something I swore I would NEVER do!  But  it was that or all 4 of us getting to wake up every hour, or so.  Aubree only woke up 5 times during the night... it was a long night.  

We spent the morning getting ready for the wedding.  Aubree got to take her first shower (not a bath) with Mommy.

The only thing I love more than tiny baby feet is tiny painted toenails, and the only things I love more than that is tiny painted toe nails in tiny baby sandals.  

Aubree got to try on my bracelet as a necklace.  It was cute, but was a little too heavy for her dress.

The wedding was perfect.  Sweet, purple, and at the beach.  It was Aubree's first wedding, and she slept through it.  Oh well.  I am glad she slept through it instead of screaming through it, which I was a little worried about.  It was also her first trip to the beach!  

Aubree got to ride a tricycle at the reception.  I am pretty sure she loved it.  

 And she got to wear pretty flowers in her hair, just like Mommy.

The next night was a little rough because our room was above the conference room... which was hosting a birthday party... Awesome.  If we would have been in the mood to have a dance party, it would have been great.  Needless to say, it was another rough night.

On Sunday, Aubree got to ride her first ferry!  That was, of course after she pooped all over herself and me as we got out of the car.  It is a good thing that I always bring her an extra outfit and that I always wear 2 shirts.  

This is the boat we were on... Yes, there are 3 rows and 2 levels of cars on that boat.  Talk about a trip to face my fears....

It was a long walk to get onto the boat.

We had lots of time to take lots of pictures.

Aubree and her Great-Grandma had a great time looking out and watching for whales.  We only saw salmon and sea otters.

Aubree got to drive the boat!

She wanted to eat my candy so bad.  She only got to play with it.  One tooth is just not enough to chew taffy :)  

 Notice that Aubree is not wearing the adorable dress that she started the day in and I am wearing my undershirt with a jacket... yup, it is a good thing I carry ziplock bags in my diaper bag.

Our last night was pretty good.  No parties and Aubree got used to sleeping in the bed.  Just in time to leave the next day.  We were all thankful to get a good night's sleep.

On our last day, Aubree got to go swimming for the first time!  The water was the same temperature as the hot tub.  It was perfect and Aubree seemed to like it.

I was pretty excited I got to cross something off my bucket list during the trip... Coffee and rain in Seattle!  A perfect end to the trip.

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