Saturday, September 7, 2013

4 Months!

A little late, but Aubree is 4 Months! (August 16)

Age: 4 months
Height: 23 inches
Weight:  12 pounds 3 ounces
Clothes: 3-6 month jams exclusively, but still in 0-3 months dresses and onsies (and I will keep her in them as long as I can)
Diaper Size: Still in a size 1
Things she loves: playing with toys
Things she hates: still hates sleeping and waking up.  She also hates shots and anything having to do with the doctor.  
Milestones:  Apparently clasping your hans together is a milesone. She does it all the time!  Aubree is talking, babbling, and yelling all the time!  She is also rolling over!
Sleeping: A is sleeping.  It depends on the night if it is good or bad.  
Eating: She loves eating. Still just breastmilk.  We haven't had any formula and waiting as long as we can to start solids.

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