Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blogging with Baby

Blogging with Baby is way harder than I thought it would be.  Between work, keeping our house semi-livable, and taking care of Aubree there doesn't seem to be an hour left in my day for for me time.  I would never complain though, I love every minute of my crazy, hectic life, but I do wish there was another hour in the day.  Maybe between 8 and 9, after Aubree goes to sleep.  

Not a lot has changed in the past month.  Most importantly, Aubree is a month older!  Here are a few highlights from our month away from the blog...

Aubree has so much more personality these days!  She is silly and loves to laugh.  She is getting so big and loves sitting up, even in her swing.

She also enjoys sitting in her swing like a goofball.

And her bouncy seat...

Maybe she is getting too big for them...  What do we buy her next?

She also started petting the dogs.  She loves them; they do not love her.  She is a little too stressful for them.  She loves when they bark and starts laughing instantly.  She also yells at them when they play in the house.

Aubree started sleeping in her own room.  I only slept in her room long enough to realize that I am too old to sleep on the floor.  Instead, I spent the next few nights watching the video monitor.  She moves around in her sleep, thats for sure.  

 Aubree loves sitting in the cart when we shop.  She gets bored with her toys though and decided to eat my list this time.

She also loves standing in her jumper.

And just lounging in her jumper.

She is getting so big!  This month, she started sitting in highchairs while we eat at restaurants instead of being held the whole time.  Toys like the Fisher Price Piano from my parents help to distract her a bit, so that helps.

It tastes good too.

She may be getting too big for her bouncer so I tried setting her in the sink.  She loved it until she learned to turn the water on.  :) 

Aubree loves to eat anything that we eat.  I think she felt like a big girl when we handed her an ice cream cone. It went straight to her mouth and she did not want to let it go.  It is a good thing Mommy is stronger than Baby.

Ice cream was a one-time thing for Aubree... I think she would be addicted if we let her have more.  She does love fruit, so that is a good substitute for now.  She loves eating bananas in her mesh feeder.  It makes a huge mess though.  Next time she will get it in her highchair, not the couch.  Oops.

Aubree is loving her food.  She has tried so many that I have lost count!  I think the only thing she loves more than eating is drinking out a a sippy cup.  My mom bought her these cups from Tupperware, which are perfect because she can't figure out how to suck on the other ones.  It doesn't matter what is in it, she will drink out of it. She also loves drinking out of regular cups and waterbottles, but sippys make less of a mess.

We also had a great time celebrating my Grandma's 80th birthday!  It was great to have everyone together for lunch and cake.  I wish we would have got more pictures, but at least we snapped one of us before we left. 

We also found an Aubree-sized pumpkin while we were in Milliken.  Thanks, Great-Grandma :)

 I have been waiting since my baby shower for her to be big enough to wear this dress.  It is a little big on her, but my baby can finally wear 6-9 month clothes.  She still wears 3-6 months, but she has so many cute clothes in bigger sizes I can not wait for her to wear them.  I also worked up the courage to clean out her closet and box up her Newborn to 3 month clothes.  I only cried a few tears as I packed them up.  Dan was shocked to see how many clothes she has grown out of.  He even admitted to secretly hoping that our next baby is a girl so that she has hundreds of clothes to wear and we can use them all again. :)  

I got an early Christmas present this month!  I have been dying to get a big-girl camera and learn how to take really good pictures.  (The iphone doesn't really cut it for getting pictures to frame.)  I am beyond excited that Dan wanted to buy it for be so I can learn how to use it before Christmas.  Aubree got bored though.  She sure loves sleeping on her Daddy.

No matter how many times we try (about once a month) Aubree can not figure out the paci.  Don't get me worng, I am glad she won't take it, but it is hilarious to watch her try to figure it out.  She will chew on any part but the part she is supposed to.  She just doesn't know how it works.

Aubree loves to play with my phone.  This was her first masterpiece (before the phone went in her mouth.)

Have I mentioned how much she loves her dogs!  I think their tails are her favorite part.

She also loves keys.  It is a good thing we wash them often.  

Aubree had her first trip to Build-A-Bear!  We went shopping with my mom and Aubree ended up building a Rudolph!  I think we had more fun than she did, but she loves playing with him.  Possibly her favorite toy ever, he sings and his nose lights up, what could be better?

Our life may be crazy but I would never change a minute of it.  Morning cuddles are always the best part of my day.  Aubree may be sleeping in her own crib, but loves nursing and hanging with Mommy on the big bed before we get up for the day.  I just can't get up, or there is no room for me.  

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