Monday, December 2, 2013

Aubree's Baptism

On November 17th Aubree got baptized!  I was baptized as a baby and I couldn't wait to do the same for Aubree. She was baptized at the same church that I was baptized in (my Grandma's church in Milliken) and she wore the same dress that I was baptized in!  I also made her a pearl bracelet out of the bracelet that I wore in my friend, Pam's wedding and she wore a necklace that my mom gave her.  

We chose our siblings to be her Godparents.  Thanks Jeremy and Sarah for being there for her.  (And to Marie for taking all of our pictures :) )  It meant so much to have you all there for her.

After, we celebrated by having lunch at The Cracked Egg.  Aubree got some cake.  I am not sure how she felt about it.

She also got lots of presents!  She seemed more interested in the tissue paper, but we are so grateful and blessed to have such amazing family that care so much and want to celebrate her.

She also thought her new bible from Uncle Jeremy was tasty.  We have been reading a few pages every night before bed as her bedtime story.  She still wants to eat it, but I think she enjoys reading it more.

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