Thursday, January 9, 2014

34 weeks. Lately...

Oh my goodness...  Things have been crazy at our house the past few weeks.  

We have been sick...  I am pretty sure we used up every tissue and bottle of saline in our house.  

We have been hydrating...  Aubree is a champ at using sippy cups!  She LOVES them.  She can use the straws all by herself. 

She even heists my straw cup and drinks all of my water.

We have been playing...  She loves toys that make noise (the loud, obnoxious ones) so I tried letting her play the piano. 

We have been sitting... Aubree is sitting!

We have been cuddling...  It has been cold here and when one gets sick, we all get sick so we had lots of fire-side family cuddles.  Jenkins is very spoiled and loves to cuddle, especially by the fire.

Speaking of cuddling, we spend every weekend as a family before we have to get up for the day.  The dogs could take her or leave her... they don't love her as much as we do.  It is may favorite part of the week though.

We have been working... well I have been working and Aubree has been rearranging my papers.

We have been playing more... can you find the baby in all of the toys?

Twins? Aubree got to play with my Cabbage Patch doll for the first time.

Playing with our friends!  

We have been standing... kinda...

We have been going to the library...  Aubree's first storytime at the library!

She loves reading books... She does not love taking pictures of reading books.

and yelling in the library... we will have to work on library etiquette.

We have been eating... Aubree had her first candy cane!

and she even ate a whole pouch of applesauce.  She ate it all by herself!

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