Wednesday, February 5, 2014

9 months

Age: 9 months
Height: 26.25 inches (8th percentile)
Weight:  14 pounds 15.75 ounces... Can we just call it 15 pounds? (6th percentile)
Head Circumference: 45 cm (81st percentile)
Clothes: Mostly 9 month clothes.  There are still few 6 month favorites that she wears occasionally... like her Broncos dress!   
Diaper Size: Still size 2.  I can't figure out why they don't make overnight diapers in a size 2, so we use size 3 overnights.
Things she loves: Still everything. She is such a happy baby.  Her favorites this month are crawling and going ANYWHERE!  She also loves eating but is getting a bit more selective.  She definitely prefers big kid food and only wants what we are eating or finger foods.  She also loves standing up!  My parents got her a Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker and she can't get enough of it!  She is still a bit wobbly though.  She is also loving the dogs, well, any dog.  She can laugh at them for hours.
Things she hates: The same old things... being alone and sleeping.
Milestones:  CRAWLING!  Baby girl is crawling so much!  She crawled for the first time on New Year's Eve and has been moving ever since!  She loves exploring - The dog food bowls are her favorite new toy.  Talking - more and more each day, I am 90% sure she can say "mama"  She says it everytime I walk into her room.  Feeding herself - She LOVES to feed herself and even takes the puffs out of the can herself.
Teething: Officially 4 teeth!  Her top teeth started to come in on New Year's Day.
Sleeping: Better than last month, but still not sleeping through the night.  She is up 1-2 times per night.   It is still getting really old.  :(
Eating: Loving eating!  She is getting much more independent and will eat pretty much anything.
Looking forward to: Personally, I am taking photoshop classes and a class to learn how to use my camera so we can take better pictures.  We are getting excited for Aubree to start walking and learning more every day.

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