Thursday, April 11, 2013

37 weeks

How far along? 37 Weeks-April 6
Baby is the size of a: A bowling ball
Total weight gain/loss: Let’s just say a lot from here on out… I am so swollen everywhere I feel like my feet and legs are twice their normal size and my fingers are so swollen I feel like I am wearing gloves, always.  I think it is safe to say I have hit the more-than-uncomfortable stage of pregnancy and am soooo ready to be done.
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? Maybe one… I am hoping it is just a line from my shirts though.  We’ll see…
Sleep: Still pretty good.  I had a few nights that I woke up feeling like I was going go die and a few VERY early mornings.  Little Miss Aubree also decides to wake me up by practicing her karate in my ribs… but overall, I can’t complain.
Miss Anything? Feeling like a normal person.
Movement: Lots
Food cravings: Nothing.  Still loving bottled water though… what an expensive habit, but I can’t get enough.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing.
The Bump: Making it hard to move.  Between my belly, swollen hands, and swollen feet, life is getting pretty hard.
Picking out a name: Aubree
Labor Signs:  Some contractions
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy. 
Best moment this week:  Being able to say our baby will be born THIS MONTH!!!  Also, we got our car seats installed on Monday so we can safely bring her home.  My mom and I also had a spa day to get ready for the shower and Miss A.  Some waxing, hair dye, hair cuts, a manicure, and a pedicure can do wonders!  (It also makes me look forward to taking Aubree with us for girl spa days.)
Looking forward to: My baby shower on Sunday! Our 37 week appointment… And meeting our little Aubree :)

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