Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Aubree Lynn!

This is the story of our sweet Aubree's birth on April 16, 2013.

By 38 weeks I was beyond uncomfortable.  You could squeeze my foot and leave huge dents that would last for minutes.  None of my shoes fit and my flip flops were getting tight.  Even my maternity clothes were starting feel too small.  I could barely move, get off the couch, roll over in bed, or even sit in my work chair.  The weekend before my 38 week appointment I got a headache that just wouldn't go away.  I tried caffeine, Tylenol, and naps.  Nothing helped.
My poor swollen feet

Dan took me to my 38 week appointment on Monday, April 15th and the nurse commented how huge my feet and legs looked.  Then she took my blood pressure... 140/110.  That was not good.  After the doctor heard about my headache, she asked if we were ok with being induced that night.  She told us that the risk of pre-eclampsia was not worth the risk to me or the baby.  She did not want to call it pre-eclampsia because I would have to take magnesium, so I was diagnosed with gestational high blood pressure and was to be induced that night!

Dan and I went home and packed our bags, anxious that in 4 hours we would be in the hospital and having a baby!  The snow started picking up so we loaded Amp in the car and took him to my parents house.  Then we loaded the car and slowly drove to Chili's for our last date night without a babysitter.  We had a nice dinner and then ventured into the snow again for some frozen yogurt.  At 8:00 we headed to the hospital.

Last pic before we left for the hospital

We got into the labor and delivery room around 8:30.  There it hit me that we would be having our baby here, and soon.  I saw the incubator where she would be taken to be cleaned off and the monitors that I would be hooked up to.  It was a bit overwhelming, to say the least.

The nurse came in to do my IV.  She tried twice in my right arm and once in my left.  I started to panic...  She couldn't get it in my veins and it hurt really bad.  She decided to have another nurse try in my left hand.  After I finally got the IV in and set up with all the monitors, we sat and talked about how we would meet our little girl soon.  It started sinking in that it was really time.

Another nurse came in and started my Cervidil.  We turned out the lights and tried our best to sleep.

The morning came and we met our amazing nurse, Mary.  She suggested that Dan get us some breakfast because once we started the Pitocin, I would not be able to eat again until Aubree was here.  I ate my oatmeal in a daze, our baby was on her way!

At 10:30 she hooked the Pitocin into my IV and we waited.  Aubree was facing the wrong way and looking up, so they were concerned.  They called her a "stargazer"...  a much cuter name than what it really was.  Basically, I would have to dilate to 13 cm rather than 10 cm to fit her head.  It was also causing back labor, which was quite painful.  Around noon, the monitors stopped picking up my contractions so Mary had to stop the Pitocin.  Dr. Chu came in around 1:00 to break my water.  What a weird feeling.  She also gave me a different kind of monitor that was more sensitive so we could start the Pitocin again.  At that point, I was ready for my epidural.  I was in so much pain,  I cried as they asked me all of their questions and I couldn't move.  The anesthesiologist came in and started my epidural.  I have never been so scared in my life.  The needles were probably my biggest fear during my pregnancy and here they were.  On top of that, I was in so much pain it was so overwhelming.  In minutes my legs felt very warm and I just felt comfortable.  I was still only dilated to 3 cm.  My parents came to visit and see how we were doing.  It was really comforting to have them there but I am so glad they came when they did.  After they left, Mary told us we should try to take a nap because it would be after midnight before we had our baby and it would be good to get some rest.  Within about 10 minutes, I started hurting again.  I couldn't even reach for the button to add more pain medicine to the epidural.  I motioned to Dan to hit the button because I couldn't talk, it hurt so bad.  Mary called for the anesthesiologist to up the dosage.  Around 3:00, I was feeling good again and I was had dilated all the way to 10 cm in about half an hour.  (That is why I was in so much pain.)  Mary told me I was almost ready to push.  It was such a surreal feeling.  Everyone started to clean up the room and get ready for delivery.  I called Dan over to help me.  I was about to be sick, but I couldn't sit up by myself.  He was so sweet and got me a trash can while holding me up.  I don't know what made me sick, but it made Aubree turn the right way so she was ready to come out.  At 5:00 I started pushing.  Baby Aubree Lynn was born at 5:33 on April 16, 2013.  She was 6 pounds 4 ounces and 18 3/4 inces long.

They put her on my chest and Dan cut her cord.  I just stared at her, I couldn't believe that this precious little girl had just come out of my belly...  That I had been carrying her around for the last 9 months and now she was here.  They took her to clean her off and weigh her while the doctor stitched me up.  I had a 2nd degree tear and 4 lacerations.  I was so glad I got an epidural.

At that point, Aubree was not crying and her chest was going in really far when she breathed.  They called the NICU nurse to come check on her.  Those were the longest few minutes of my life... waiting to hear if my baby was ok.  Finally, they brought her back to me and told us that she was going to be fine.

I just laid there holding her, rubbing her back, and enjoying our first minutes as a family of three.  I have never been so happy in my entire life.  Every second of sickness and uncomfortableness was completely worth it because now we were holding a happy, healthy miracle...  our miracle.  We just love her so much.

Our first family picture

We got to bring Aubree home on Thursday, April 18.  We turned in her birth certificate information and loaded up the car.  Aubree was not very happy when we put her in the car seat for the first time.  Although, I am not sure what she hated more, the car seat, or the adorable, huge bow on her hat.

My amazing parents made sure Aubree had a welcome home sign and welcome home stork in the front yard.  I am so blessed to have such wonderful, supportive parents.

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