Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

This was not like any other Mother's Day I have celebrated in the past.  This time, I am a mom.  To be honest, I never gave my mom enough credit.  She told me once that no one can understand the bond or love a mom has for her kids and now I must say that she was right... like always.  I would do anything for Aubree.  She is my everything.  To think that someone could even love me half as much as I love her makes me feel pretty darn special.  I am so grateful for everything my mom has done for me my entire life... especially this past year.  Thank you mom for making me the person I am today and I just hope that you know how much you really mean to me and Aubree.  

It wouldn't be a Mother's day without thanking my Grandmas too.  They gave me the best parents that I could ask for.

It was my first Mother's Day and Aubree's first holiday.  We had an amazing day together.  Of course we woke up and Aubree was hungry.  While I fed her, Daddy brought us Krispy Kreme in bed (and an adorable card from Aubree).  Cuddle time with my new, little family is the best!  We had a perfect lunch with my family and then attempted to find a jewelry store that was open so Aubree could pick out a necklace to give to me... We had no luck so she will pick something later.  I don't mind though... Aubree and my family is all I need.  They are the perfect Mother's Day gift and I am so blessed to have them.  We finished the day just spending time as a family.

Dan and I attempted to make homemade chile rellanos for dinner.  They were actually pretty delicious, although not at all on our diet.  I wish we would have taken a few pictures, but I can't wait to make them again.  I used to wish Aubree could stay 5 days old forever.  I know I will miss holding a 6 pound baby that can't do much more than cry and cuddle, but nights like tonight make me excited for when we can make dinner with all 3 of us and sit around the dinner table just talking about our days.  I can't wait for her to smile and walk and show her personality (I think it goes without saying that I can't wait for her to sleep through the night too...  Haha!)  I am just so excited to watch her grow and learn and become her own person.  I love her so much.

I couldn't have imagined a more perfect Mother's Day.  I absolutely LOVE being a mom :)

Our family

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