Thursday, January 9, 2014

8 Months

Age: 8 months
Height: getting taller
Weight:  14 pounds 10 ounces (12th percentile)
Head Circumference: getting bigger
Clothes: Aubree is wearing her 6-9 month clothes and jammies.  I still put her in a few 6 month outfits that I can't let go of just yet.
Diaper Size: Still size 2 
Things she loves: Everything.  There is more on her love list than her hate list.  She especially loves sitting up and being mobile.  And eating... she loves feeding herself and will eat anything she can put in her mouth.
Things she hates: Still falling asleep.  And being alone.  She hates being left alone.
Milestones:  Sitting and rolling.  She is working on crawling and she is almost there.  She can get anywhere she wants to go by rolling though.  She is babbling more too. She has started "b" sounds.  She is also mastering her pincher grasp.  
Teething: I can feel them coming closer but that are not quite there yet.
Sleeping: Better than last month, but still not sleeping through the night.  She is up 3-4 times per night.   It is getting really old.  :(
Eating: Loving eating!  Finger foods are her favorite.  Anything that she can feed herself.  
Looking forward to: I am so excited for Aubree to start crawling... it is coming soon!  And Christmas!

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