Sunday, June 1, 2014

12 months!!!

Age: ONE YEAR OLD!  We officially have a toddler!
Height: 27.5 inches (6th percentile)
Weight:   15 lb. 12oz (3rd percentile)
Head Circumference: 87th percentile
Clothes:  She is officially wearing her 12 month clothes!  It has been so nice that she has been able to wear some fun, new outfits.  On cold days, I pull out some 9 month long sleeves (that I can't bring myself to box up yet).
Diaper Size: Still in a size 2.  I think she may be a size 2 until she is potty trained.
Things she loves: everything.  This kid is one happy baby.  Her favorite thing is to make messes.  It doesnt matter what it is, taking laundry out of the basket, emptying the cabinets, throwing food on the ground, if it is messy, she loves it.  She loves standing and walking with her walkers.  She can take about 4 steps before her head moves faster than her feet and she falls forward. She is so close!  She likes being independent.  She is so proud of herself when she can climb the stairs, go down the stairs on her own, and cruise everywhere.  
Things she hates: Her crib and sleep.  She cries when I even walk her next to the crib.  I seriously have no clue where her hatred of sleep came from.
Milestones:  So many!  She is hitting milestones every time we turn around.  Standing, cruising, pointing, talking, signing, playing peek-a-boo.
Talking:  She can say "Mama", "Dada", and "Doggie".  We are working on "Up" which she has said once or twice.  She can also sign, "milk".
Teething: She is stuck at 7 teeth.  The 8th is so close.
Sleeping: It still depends.  I really thought I would be saying that she sleeps through the night by now... Sometimes she only wakes up once, sometimes its four times. 
Eating:  This kid will eat anything. 
Looking forward to: Celebrating Aubree's First Birthday!  And taking her one year pictures.

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