Sunday, June 1, 2014

13 Months

Age: 13 months.  I can not believe we are officially in the toddler stage.
Height: She looks taller every single day
Weight:   She is definitely getting heavier
Head Circumference: 87th percentile
Clothes:  12 month clothes.  On cold days she has to wear long-sleeved 9 month shirts because all of her 12 month stuff is summery.  She looks so big in her big-girl, two-piece pajamas.
Diaper Size: Still in a size 2.  I can still only find size 3 overnights and swim diapers.
Things she loves: She still LOVES making messes.  She has also found a new love of moving things around... Anything that she can push, she will.  She also loves walking.  She is getting so much better at it and is taking more and more steps each day.
Things she hates: Her crib and sleep, mostly.  We can officially add NOT nursing to the list.  We stopped the night before she turned 13 months.  She signs for "milk" and cries but I know we were ready to stop.  It certainly makes bed time even harder than it was before but it will get better... Right?
Milestones:  The biggest one... WALKING!  She takes about 10 steps and is picking up speed!
Talking:  She can say "Mama", "Dada", "Doggie", and "Up".  She signs "Milk" and "More".
Teething: Officially 8 teeth!
Sleeping: Not great now that we are done nursing, but I am hopeful that it will get better.  It has to get better...
Eating:  This kid will eat anything.  Her new favorite is graham crackers and goldfish.  She LOVES almond milk and drinking from a straw.  
Looking forward to: Swimming!  It is summer and I can't wait to lather the sunscreen and spend some time outside!  We are also excited for Aubree to walk more.  

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