Thursday, August 7, 2014

15 months

Age: 15 months
Height: Her appointment is next Tuesday, so I will update then
Weight: Her appointment is next Tuesday, so I will update then... about 18 pounds
Head Circumference: 87th percentile
Clothes:  Still in 12 months, but 9 month winter clothes when it is chilly
Diaper Size: 2. 
Things she loves: eating ice, eating by herself in general
Things she hates: Teething is the worst.  She is miserable.  We are miserable.  The dogs are miserable.  
She also hates going to Sunday School.  They say she stops crying after we leave, but it still breaks my heart every week.  She is also in her "Stranger danger" phase... She freaks out every time someone (other than me or Dan) tries to hold her before she is ready.
Talking:  So many words!  She babbles All. The. Time!  I even caught her talking to herself as she fell asleep the other night.  Her favorite words are Mama, Dada, and Up.  She also says dog and yells Amp when she chases him.   
Teething: Working on 11 teeth... She has both upper molars and one bottom has popped through.  The other bottom one is swollen and about to come through.
Sleeping: I will knock on wood until she is 5, but she sleeps great!  She likes to be rocked to sleep (or at least almost to sleep) before she lays down, but to be honest, it is my favorite part of the day so I will rock her as long as she wants.  She does really good when we just lay her down though thanks mostly to her vibrating crib, which has been a life saver!   She still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps 10-12 hours at night.  I tried to transition her to one nap and she was not happy, so for now I am good with 2 naps.
Eating:  Does ice count as food? Because that seems to be all she wants these days.  Her poor teeth hurt so bad, I think it's the only thing that helps.  She also loves mac and cheese, gold fish, hot dogs, and chicken.  
Looking forward to: Still everything.  Everyday she amazes me with all that she can do.  She is an amazing little girl.  I love summer and watching her play outside.  I am also looking forward to swimming more and we are taking a family trip to Idaho.  I am excited to see how she likes the beach... something tells me Amp will like it a lot more than Aubree.

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