Monday, September 29, 2014

Hello, September!

It really feels like it was last week that I was posting about it being March and Spring Cleaning season... Is there such a thing as Fall Cleaning? Because I feel like I am ready for it again.  I have no clue where our summer went, but now it is Fall in my book.  Good bye summer, you will be missed.  But I must admit that I am super excited for Fall!  I have already broke out my sweaters and ordered a pumpkin spice latte at church last Sunday.  We have our fuzzy pajamas and blankets on our beds and Aubree and I have been reading Halloween and Fall books for a week.  You can bet that on September 17th our house will be decked in Fall decor.  My pumpkins are out of the closet and waiting patiently to go out.  (Apparently someone told my husband that he was born in the summer, so I have to wait until after his birthday to decorate.)

We had a very busy Summer!  Here's to a very busy Fall!  Maybe one day we can have a season that we can just relax :)

Here are a few highlights from our summer!  4th of July, summer concerts, vacation, and of course getting excited for Fall!

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