Sunday, October 26, 2014

16 months

Age: 16 months
Height: At her 15 month appointment she was 29.4 inches (14th %)
Weight: 17lb. 10.25oz (6th %)
Head Circumference: 92nd percentile
Clothes:  12 months... unless it is laundry day (and by day, I mean week) then she wears 6 month dresses as shirts and 9 month cold weather clothes.
Diaper Size: We finally ran out of size 2s!  Size 3s still seem a little big but we officially switched.  Although I am so sad that Huggies does not make Little Snugglers bigger than a 2... Now I have to find a new brand that I like.
Things she loves: Being independent.  She is running and getting into everything!  She also LOVES copying us! When Dan points his finger, she points her finger, 
Things she hates: She is getting better at sleeping!  Thank goodness... 2 years of not getting a constant night's sleep was killing me.  She sleeps 10-11 hours!  She also hates being alone, like when she wakes up or has to play in the bathroom while I shower or get ready). 
Milestones:  Walking, Talking... I feel like she is growing up so fast there won't be anymore milestones for her to hit.  Does her first (and second, and third) bruise count as a milestone?  Aubree was moving her little table around the living room and tripped and fell face-first into the corner of the coffee table.  I was devastated that she got her first black eye!  She is tough though!  She was ready to keep cruising before I could pick her up.  We also went to the park for the first time.  She likes the swing but the slide is her favorite.
Talking:  Definitely "Mama", "Dada", "Doggie", "Up", and "Amp".  We are working on "Ball" and "Night, Night" before sleep time.  She can say it when she is tired, but not too tired.  She is signing "More" for more of everything... food, milk, bubbles, playing.  She also said, "Owl" the other day... I would have missed it but she reached for our plastic owl on the porch at the same time.  
Teething: 9 teeth... we are currently getting an upper molar.  It's been rough on us all.
Sleeping: Great!  (Knock on wood...) but she loves her night time routine: bath, brush hair and teeth, story time and cuddles with Mommy in the glider, talking about our day and prayers, and then she lays in her crib.  Once in a while she cries for a few seconds and then she sleeps!  She doesn't even stand up when I put her in her crib anymore.  (Honestly, it broke my heart a little that she doesn't need to nurse to sleep anymore and that she can fall asleep on her own... On the bright side, maybe Dan and I start thinking about making up for the honeymoon that we never took because our 2-year wedding anniversary is coming up.)
Eating:  Grahm Crackers.  That is all.  She loves them and will eat them all day if I would let her.  
She is also eating more foods.  She likes eggs with cheese and bananas.  She is getting tired of quesadillas so we got her a burrito at The Rio and she LOVED it.  She enjoys watermelon, mac and cheese, and hamburger too.  There isn't much she won't eat but I will guarantee that she will feed half of it to the dogs.  
Looking forward to: Everything.  I love spending every single day with her and each day she amazes me with something new.  I am so excited that it is summer and we get to play outside.  I also can't wait for the 4th of July and watching her enjoy the fireworks because she slept through it last year.  Dan and I are excited to celebrate our 2 year anniversary next week!  

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