Sunday, October 26, 2014

Aubree is 18 Months!

Umm... When did my baby turn a year and a half!?! I never thought this was possible... When I was waking up to feed her every 2 hours, when she was too small to fit in her jumper so we surrounded her with blankets to hold her body up, when she hit every milestone that made me question why she had to grow so fast... rolling over, sitting up, her first steps.  And now she is a year and a half.  She is 18 months of personality and attitude, but she is our little monster and we love her more and more each day for it. 
Age: 18 months
Height: 30.5 inches (12th %)
Weight: 18 lb. 9 oz (5th %)
Head Circumference: 47.8 cm (87th percentile)
Clothes:  Most of her Halloween/winter/fall stuff is 18 months, so that is what she wears, but occasionally I put her in some 12 month stuff.
Diaper Size: Size 3
Things she loves: She is such a happy kid.  She loves pretty much everything.  She points out every dog she sees, or hears, or thinks she sees (like raccoons and horses).  She loves talking, being held, "helping" me work and "helping" Dan look at paperwork.  If it involves making a mess, she loves it.  Taking all the toys out of the toy box, yes, ripping up paper in to tiny shreds, yes, taking every movie out of the cabinet, yes.  She also loves playing with our dog, Amp.  She loves hugging him and chasing him (and hitting him with toys and pulling his tail).  She also loves pointing to her Dad in pictures... not Mommy who is with her everyday and is also in the picture, but she is sure to point and say, "Dada!". 
Things she hates: Like I said, she loves so much.  She is not a fan of shots and does not love when I have to work so she has to play by herself.  She also does not like the Cortisone that I have to put on the back of her knees because she has a slight bit of eczema. 
Milestones:  So much talking... I can't even count how many words she says.  What else? She has started running and walking backwards.  She loves stacking things, toys, canned food.  The biggest milestone in my book is that she can put herself to sleep now and I don't have to rock her to sleep.  
Talking:  My favorite thing is when toddlers make up words for things they can't say.  She says LooLoon for every balloon that she sees and my heart melts every time.  She squeaks "Amp" when she sees our dog.  She loves Shh-ing us.  I always say, "shh... Daddy is sleeping" so now if you say someone is sleeping she will Shh you.  Or she will just shh you when ever she feels like it.  She is getting good at signing too.  She says please and thank you and she knows how to tell you she wants water or milk.  now I just need to get on it so I can teach her more signs.
Teething: 12! She is working on the K-9s so that is a ton of fun.
Sleeping: Depends on the day.  She falls asleep great, but wakes a few times a night.  I think she talks in her sleep and wakes herself up.  But she is good at going back to sleep after a few minutes.  Now that is it staying dark longer, she is sleeping a little later, which is great for all of us :) Napping is another story... I am lucky if she'll sleep for 20 minutes a day.  
Eating:  Everything.  She eats what we eat which is really convenient now.  Her favorites are mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, peaches, grapes, popcorn, and ice.  Yes, that is ice.  She eats a few cups a day.  She walks to the fridge, yells, "ICE" and expects us to fill up a cup of crushed ice.  She also LOVES candy, Thanks Grandma and Grandpa.  And she is obsessed with juice.
Looking forward to: Still just everything.  I can't believe that we have to start planning her 2nd birthday soon... Why does time go so fast?  I can't wait to keep seeing her grow and learn and talk more.  She is getting so independent and I am excited to take her more plasces that she will actually enjoy.  I am also so excited for the holidays!  I can't wait to see how excited she gets when we break out the Christmas tree!

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