Sunday, November 9, 2014

9 weeks round 2

We have finally announced it to everyone... We are having another baby!  I am so so so excited and can not wait to meet our newest addition.  I can not wait to see Aubree as a big sister and I can not wait to see how crazy our life is going to become.  Baby P Round 2 is due March 12, 2015!  2 kids under 2... eeks! What are we getting ourselves into ;)

Baby is the size of a: grape
Total weight gain/loss: down 1 from last week but starting out 30 heavier than I did with Aubree, so that's not so exciting.
Maternity clothes? Still wearing sweats and shorts most days but my jeans still fit!
Stretch marks? None yet, Let's hope it stays this way for awhile.  I have a feeling that the ones I got with Aubree with make their appearance much sooner this time.
Sleep: Good except waking up twice a night to pee.  I also bought a pregnancy pillow this time around, which helps a little.
Miss Anything? I miss my energy.  Being pregnant with a toddler is not the same as the first time.  I am so much more tired and it's getting hard to keep up with Miss Aubree.
Movement: None yet but I can't wait!
Food cravings: No cravings, not really aversions either which is nice but nothing sounds good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: life.
The Bump: Is it possible to start with a bump? I feel like the day we found out I was pregnant, I was bloated.
Picking out a name: We have some ideas, but it is hard to decide until we know the gender.
Labor Signs:  None.
Belly Button in or out? In.  It never popped with Aubree so I am pretty sure this time it will be the same.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. :(  It never fit right after I had Aubree so when I found out I was pregnant I just took them off and bought a cheap one that should fit for this whole pregnancy.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy. 
Best moment this week:  Finding out we are having another baby!  Although we found out the day after my missed period, I have a feeling these weekly updates might become every-few-week updates with a toddler.  We are still just telling everyone which is all the excitement we can handle at this point.
Looking forward to: Telling more people and just getting more and more excited!

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