Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Aubree is 19 months!

Age: 19 months - November 16
Clothes:  18 months, officially.  I actually packed up the 6 and 9 moth stuff that was still hanging around her closet.  It was the first time I didn't cry packing up her clothes.  Maybe because I know I will get to unpack it a year from now :)
Diaper Size: Size 3
Things she loves: Elmo or as A says, "Elm" or "Elmom".  She loves the iPad, but gets so mad when she can't figure it out.  We don't have cable anymore so we watch most of our tv on the computer.  Now, whenever she sees the computer she points and says, "Bubble, Bubble!" She loves to watch Bubble Guppies.  She also loves Amp more than anything... hugging him, chasing him, kissing him... he does not love her as much.
Things she hates: Not getting her way... tantrums are in full swing, so we are doing our best to stop that.  
Milestones:  throwing things... i really with this was NOT a milestone... but she has it mastered.  Pointing at things when I ask her to, picking out objects when asked.  Scribbling with anything that will write,:pens, crayons, markers, highlighters (on anything that is flat: paper, chalkboards, tables, walls).  Feeding her dolls.  Naming body parts (eyes, head, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, boobies, we are working on toes and hands).  Imitating me by doing dishes, moving laundry into different baskets, blowing her nose, throwing things away... she is my little mini me.  
Talking:  So many words!  She can say almost anything these days... good and bad so we have to watch ourselves carefully now.  A few of my favorite new words are cracker, elf, owl, and I Love.  She is also signing juice now.
Teething: 16!  All 4 K-9s have popped through... that was a rough week.  Now they only bother her once in a while.  She chews on things so I am worried her next molars are coming through but she won't let me see.
Sleeping: Still depends on the day.  She can fall asleep on her own for bedtime and her nap at 1:00.  She sleeps with a toy (usually her pink bear) and a blanket.  I am looking into getting her a pillow and bed set but first I have to convince Dan that we need to buy it.  She rarely wakes in the middle of the night and sleeps around 12 hours.  Her nap can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours. 
Eating:  Everything.  She will eat almost anything if we feed it to her as long as she is hungry.  She is still not a huge fan of pizza.  She does love cheese, yogurt, mac and cheese, potatoes of all kinds, and popsicles.
Looking forward to: The holidays!  She found her Elf on the Shelf in her closet and is obsessed with it. She always asks for "Elf".  I haven't convinced her that he looses his magic when she touches him.  Oh well, maybe next year.  I can't wait to watch her destroy the tinsel and take all the ornaments off the tree. I am excited to see if she will leave her presents alone or if she will try to get into them.  I love buying her presents and looking forward to her ripping them open.  Holidays really are so much better with a kid and I can't wait to see how excited she gets.

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