Sunday, November 9, 2014

20 weeks - Baby 2

How far along? 20 Weeks – October 23
Baby is the size of a: A banana… Baby is 10 inches long and 11 ounces
Total weight gain/loss: 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? More and more each week.  I still live in sweats but definitely maternity jeans and tops when I go out.
Stretch marks? No new ones, but the old ones are still getting bigger.  Definitely need to invest in some Bio Oil.  
Sleep: Pretty good because I am so tired by the end of the day.  But rolling over has started to become an ordeal.  I wake to pee 3-4 times and struggle to get back to sleep.
Miss Anything? Not much this week.  I miss being able to keep up with Aubree... and bend over without almost getting stuck.  
Movement: Definitely, a little!  Little Girl loves to play as soon as I lay down to sleep.  She is definitely a mover and was rolling like crazy at our last ultrasound.
Food cravings: Nothing really new.  Once in a while I get a craving for Krispy Kreme.  And I have been obsesses with oranges the past few days, but nothing like last time.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Besides the heartburn that makes me so nauseous that I actually throw up, not much.  I definitely feel sick after I do a lot in a day.
The Bump: Definitely.  If we do this pregnancy thing again, I will definitely lose all the baby weight first.  I feel like starting our 30 pounds heavier was really hard.  I feel like I should be in the third trimester already and things are already starting to get difficult.
Gender: Still a girl.  I have to be honest, I didn't believe the first ultrasound.  I was convinced that it was a boy so I had to wait until 20 weeks to be sure.  Now I am confident.  I am so excited for Aubree to have a sister!
Picking out a name:  Now that I know for sure it's a girl I can really consider names.  We are so busy we probably won't have time to decide until we get to the hospital.  Haha.  We keep adding to the list though.  I think we have a middle name but we need to find a first to go with it.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  I am lucky when I remember to put on my fake ones though.  
Telling People:  I thought telling people would be easier this time around.  Nope, I was still just as nervous and anxious.  Most people had positive reactions which is the best feeling in the world.  I love how excited most people are for our family and it makes me feel so blessed to be surrounded by people that are so happy for us. At least there weren't any negative reactions this time around, but apparently no reaction can still be just as hurtful.  We have finally told all our family and most of our friends.  We are still waiting to post it on Facebook, but we will be doing it very soon!  
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy.  I feel so blessed to be having another girl and I am so lucky to have such an amazing, sweet, supportive family.  I love life and can't wait to hold our babe.  I also feel so blessed to have such a supportive husband that will do anything to make me happy... even if that means losing sleep to spend time with me while working a ridiculous night schedule.
Best moment this week: Seeing Baby at our 20 week ultrasound and feeling so much more movement.  I will never get tired of seeing or feeling her.  Also, we are trying to build a house!  We got put on the wait list to pick our lot so that is super exciting!  Since it's been a month since I updated... one of the best moments so far has been getting my double stroller as an early birthday present!  Thanks Mom and Dad!!! I LOVE it!  SO does Aubree and I am sure Baby will love it too!
Looking forward to: So many things!  Hearing about our house, Dan and Aubree getting to feel Baby, catching up on my to-do list.  

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