Friday, November 14, 2014

23 weeks - Baby 2

How far along? 23 Weeks – November 13
Baby is the size of a: A mango… Baby weighs more than 1 pound!
Total weight gain/loss: still up 10 pounds
Maternity clothes? Definitely.  I am trying to pull off some pre-preggo t-shirts but I may have to move to Dan's side of the closet pretty soon.  
Stretch marks? Yup.  No new ones that I can tell just yet, just making the old ones worse again.
Sleep: I've been sleeping great until about 3 am.  Most nights I wake up dying of heat, or thirst, or having to pee, or heartburn.  It's getting rough.    
Miss Anything? Sleep.  Waking up before Aubree... I am just so tired I wake up with her most days and then I miss my opportunity for a shower.  
Movement: So much!  I freak myself out because she doesn't move much during the day so I worry myself crazy.  By the end of the night, she is doing gymnastics in there and I wonder why I put myself through all that.  Still loving every minute though. 
Food cravings: Had a craving for Cold Stone this week.  Awesome, because it has been below freezing most days.  Nothing new though, so that's good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything slimy... spit in the sink, slobber in a dog bowl, things like that.  
The Bump: still getting bigger.
Gender: Girl!
Picking out a name:  I finally wrote down a list of names so we could talk about them.  It's not as long as I thought it would be, but still not any closer to picking it out.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Telling People: I think everyone knows now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy.  We were super busy with work this week so I felt a little overwhelmed, pair that with pregnancy hormones and I am surprised Dan hasn't found a job that travels yet. :) Just kidding, but really, I have been a wreck lately and I am so thankful that he puts up with me.
Best moment this week: We didn't do a ton this week.  The best part we probably watching Dan with Aubree.  I worked so much so he was in charge of her most of the day, including bath time.  We also got to SEE Baby Girl move this week.  It's so crazy watching my belly move, knowing that our little baby is wiggling in there.  I am so excited to hold her and hug her.  It also snowed this week!  It makes me feel so festive... until I have to go out in it...
Looking forward to: I am getting anxious for the holidays.  I look back at the blog when I was pregnant with Aubree and 23 weeks was New Years.  I am getting excited for Christmas and decorating.  I am also excited to talk about names, nursery ideas, and what life will be like with 2 kids!

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