Sunday, November 9, 2014

16 weeks - Baby 2

I should just do monthly updates on this pregnancy.  I have every intention to update and by the end of the day I am so tired and sick that all I can manage to do is get into bed, lucky if my face gets washed.  This could be a long few months.  It is all worth it though? right? ;)

How far along? 16 Weeks – September 25
Baby is the size of a: An avocado… Baby is 4.5 inches long
Total weight gain/loss: up 7 pounds.  I think that is the same as wen I was pregnant with Aubree.  Hopefully I won't gain the same amount as with A.
Maternity clothes? More maternity jeans and a few tops.  
Stretch marks? No new ones but the old ones are turning white again.  I need to invest in some Bio Oil soon.  
Sleep: Sleeping great!  I am so tired by the end of the day I am out as soon as I get into bed.  I do have to wake up to pee at 3am.  Sometimes I can't sleep after that which is hard but we are making it work.
Miss Anything? Cake batter and Drinking once in awhile.  We went to the Denver Oktoberfest this weekend which was fun... but it's not as much fun when you can't have a drink while everyone else is on drink #4.  It was also a lot of walking which is getting tougher these days.
Movement: Maybe a little.  I am pretty sure I can feel Baby at night when I am trying to sleep.  I can't wait to actually feel Baby move.  It is my favorite part of pregnancy.
Food cravings: Tomato soup and goldfish crackers.  It's a good thing I have a toddler that will give me her snacks :)  Mostly still sweets... things like fruit and candy.  Nothing major this time though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really.  The heartburn is pretty killer which makes me sick.
The Bump: yep.  I never got rid of my bump from Aubree but it is definitely showing these days.
Gender: GIRL! I actually thought it was a boy the in the beginning.  I got a really strong boy feeling but all of my symptoms pointed to girl, so I was really confused.  Everyone else thought boy as well.  Every person that we talked to guessed boy so we were all a little surprised.  I think everyone expected to see BOY show up on the ultrasound so we were all shocked when we saw GIRL.  We are very happy that baby is healthy and we are so excited that Aubree will have a sister.  I am still not really sure I believe it though.  Haha.
Picking out a name:  Our list is pretty long... We had our boy named picked out for sure, but our girl list gets longer every day.  We are much busier this pregnancy so I feel like we don't even have time to talk about names.  
Labor Signs: Nope, thank goodness.  Lets hope we get 24 more weeks of this!  I did have a lot of swelling the past few weeks, so I am going to take it easy and not over do it this time.  We are still hoping to go 4 days past our due date... Let's hope for a 16th baby!  We'll see if I still feel that way in 3 months though.
Belly Button in or out? In.  I am not expecting any other answers.  It stayed in the whole time with Aubree.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  They have been off since day one.  I was in the process of losing my baby weight and getting my rings to fit again when we got pregnant.  I should have known because I am pretty sure that as soon as the egg implanted my fingers swelled up so much.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! and it's getting better.  I am super tired but I think I am so excited and loving life.
Best moment this week: finding out that baby P is a SHE! :) Also spending time with Dan at Oktoberfest was great. We hardly get alone time together so it is nice to get out and just be married again.
Looking forward to: Feeling more movements, our 16 week appointment, and getting Dan and Aubree to feel her.  As a family, I am so excited to get further in our house search!  We are considering buying another house and it is so fun talking about what it will be like so I am excited to get further in the process.

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