Sunday, November 9, 2014

22 weeks - Baby 2

How far along? 22 Weeks – November 6
Baby is the size of a: A spaghetti squash… Baby weighs 1 pound!
Total weight gain/loss: up 10 pounds
Maternity clothes? More and more each week.  I live in sweats but jeans when I go out.  Definitely maternity shirts though.  Even the sweaters that fit me when I was 30 weeks pregnant with Aubree do not fit me now.  Thank goodness for maternity tank tops. 
Stretch marks? Finally got some Bio Oil.  It seems to be helping but I think they are inevitable this time.
Sleep: Still super tired by the end of the day but my heartburn has been really bad.  So once I can get to sleep, its great until 3 am.  
Miss Anything? I really wanted to eat some brownie batter that other day.  And some Rio margaritas sound pretty amazing, but I don't miss too many other things.  I do however miss having energy and the ability to make it through the day with out napping.  (Because even though I need a nap, Aubree will not allow it.)
Movement: Yes!  So much!  I am loving feeling her so much, although it is mostly when I am trying to sleep.  
Food cravings: Besides brownie batter, nothing new.  Still haven't had any Krispy Kreme so I always want that.  And oranges and orange juice always sounds good.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn.  It's bad.  The only other thing that I haven't mentioned yet is slimy things... I make Dan clean the bathrooms because I can't handle it.  Toothpaste in the sink is the worst thing right now.  Yuck.  Also a few of Aubree's diapers.  
The Bump: Yep... I feel like I look 30 weeks pregnant right now.
Gender: Girl!
Picking out a name:  Still making the list but we haven't crossed anything off yet so it just keeps growing.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  
Telling People: We finally announced it on Facebook!  I am so glad that now EVERYONE knows and I don't have to hide anything anymore!
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy.  Besides feeling worn out all the time, I couldn't be happier.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Halloween with Aubree.  She is so much fun and personality these days.  I can't wait to have 2 little monsters to dress up!  Dan has been working a lot so some of my best moments are just spending time as a family, whether it is eating lunch together or watching Bubble Guppies on the computer with A.  I just love spending time together.  
Looking forward to: SO many things.  I with I could start on the Baby's room, but because we plan on moving soon after she is born, it seems silly to set everything up.  I am excited to pick out furniture and a theme though.  I am also excited for Dan and A to feel the baby.  It should be any day because she keeps kicking harder and harder.  I am getting so excited to the holidays!  It will be our last Christmas as a family of 3!  I love the holidays and can't wait to decorate and hang out with family.  

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