Saturday, December 15, 2012

21 weeks

I love Christmas Cards!  Here is the picture that we are using for our cards this year.

How far along? 21 Weeks-December 15
Baby is the size of a: spaghetti squash
Total weight gain/loss: still at 8 pounds (134 to 142)
Symptoms: a little back pain and getting tired by 8 pm, nothing major.
Maternity clothes? I love my sweatpants :) Other than that, am wearing maternity jeans and a mixture of my old shirts with maternity shirts.
Stretch marks? No, thank goodness.  Let’s hope this keeps up.
Sleep: Still sleeping great until 3 am… then I don’t sleep much.
Miss Anything? Just the usual… I have given in to a couple Pepsi’s throughout the week.  
Movement: I am almost sure I can feel her now.  It is such a cool feeling. 
Food cravings: Taco Bell once this week, and I can only drink milk from Sam’s Club now.  But no strong cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing!
The Bump: Definitely still there and getting bigger (daily, it feels like)
Gender: Girl
Picking out a name: we have our top 3 names… but no middle names yet.  Still not ready to commit.
Labor Signs: No, hopefully this will continue to stay no for 19 more weeks.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier than I've ever been in my entire life!!
Best moment this week: Getting closer to getting a house.  Our realtor is confident that it will happen this Friday!  And we sent out our Christmas cards this week.  We also got to see our baby girl at our ultrasound!  I love seeing her move around.  She is pretty stubborn though… She was lying on her stomach and would not roll to her back.  She rolled over half an hour later though.
Looking forward to:  OUR HOUSE!!! and setting up her room!  We got the changing pad and I am so excited to pick out paint!  (Even if the doctor told me that I could not paint…  I will be doing lots of the set up.)  Also, Christmas is coming up!  I love the holidays so much!

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