Saturday, December 15, 2012

6 weeks

On a Wednesday at the end of August, I decided to made taco cupcakes for dinner.  I was so excited and felt very wife-ish trying new recipes (that Dan actually liked) and making dinner every night.  We had been married for 2 1/2 months.  We sat down to dinner, looked at my plate, and I thought I might die.  I was getting sick, maybe the flu...  I didn't know, but I did not feel good.  I didn't eat anything more than toast for the next 3 days.  On Sunday, we found out we were expecting.  I guess it wasn't the flu :)   

At 6 weeks I was not feeling so great... but I was determined to keep track of every moment.  I might have been miserable, but I know it won't last forever and I will miss being pregnant (it may be a few years, but I will miss it).  

How far along? 6 weeks – September 1
Total weight gain: 1.5 pounds from 134 to 135.5
Maternity clothes? Went shopping with my mom and bought some… but I haven’t worn any yet. (Dan tried on the jeans though they didnt fit very well.)
Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Not so much
Best moment this week: Telling our family
Have you told family and friends: Mostly family We will tell our friends over the next couple weeks
Miss Anything? SLEEP! and not feeling sick
Movement: Nope
Food cravings: No cravings yet.  Something sounds good once, but I cant eat it again.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything I have eaten once since we found out
Have you started to show yet: No
Gender prediction: Mom–Girl, Dad-Boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but sick (Moody if you ask Dan but he only sees me at night these days)
Weekly Wisdom: Try to make it through the day alive
Looking forward to: Telling my friends about Baby P

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