Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Aubree is 14 weeks

Aubree had another busy week.  Are you surprised?  

I can't believe how big my baby is getting!  I can remember holding her when she was first born.  She was so tiny.  She is so tall now.  I love holding her so much.  I feel like I have to take advantage of the time I have to hold her because before I know it, she will be too big to hold.  

She looks so big in her bassinet.  I remember how tiny she looked the day we got her home and now she almost looks too big for it.  
5 days old
95 days old
This week Aubree sat in our highchair for the first time!  

She loves sitting in it and watching me cook.  She always has the biggest smile when I look back at her.  She especially loves when I let her help mix things on her highchair.  I can't wait until she is old enough to actually help cook.  I am so excited to bake Christmas cookies with her.  

I also put her jumper together for our house.  She seems to like it but she is about and inch too short for it so we put a box lid under her feet and she can use it.  

We also tried a new restaurant this week.  We went to the new Mellow Mushroom in Park Meadows this week.  Aubree tried to sit in their big girl highchair.  We may try again in a few months, it was a little big for her.  Aubree also went to downtown Denver for the first time this week.  We met a friend for dinner at the Falling Rock Tap House.  It is great to get out of the house and go out as a family.

I also put on her foot rattles this week.  I don't think she liked them as much as I did.  She had them off in less than 5 minutes.

First one...

Then the other...


And finally, the highlight of my week... Aubree slept a full 8 hours!!!  She only did it once, but she gets close every other night.  We usually sleep 6-7 hours and then it's back to every 2-3.  I will never take sleep for granted again.  I thought it was rough waking up to pee when I was pregnant... Then, A was born and I all I cared about was getting a good 3 hour stretch of sleep.  Now, Life is good. 

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