Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My computer is broken

Well, it's official... My computer has been sick for awhile now, but this week it is gone. Something about the logic board and hard drive and other computer terms that I know nothing about. In non-computer people language... it won't turn on and will cost quite a bit to replace the bits that don't work anymore. Thus, blogging from my phone, which is taking much longer than expected. Sad day. But isn't it amazing what we can do these days... Blogging, from my phone, laying in bed. 

On a funnier note, I was informed that at the end of the year my computer will be considered vintage and the Mac store will no longer work on it. Ok, not really funny, but I didn't want to continue with all of my sad news. 

And my final piece of bad news... I don't know my phone well enough to do my Aubree posts... I can barely log in (Man, do I sound old, or what?). But don't you worry, I am journaling old-school, with a notebook and pen (kinda like a rough draft like when I was in elementary school 20 years ago... Talk about old, goodness. ) Anyway, pictures and updates to come in 10-15 business days when we can pick up the computer (or when someone convinces Dan to let me buy a new, non-vintage computer... So, most likely in a few weeks.) 

And for a little giggle, if I can figure out loading pictures from my phone... Here is Miss Aubree enjoying wearing a paper towel as a hat. What a goof. 

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