Saturday, August 31, 2013

Aubree is 18 weeks

I am so blessed to be able to work from home.  I am so thankful that we don't have to put Aubree in daycare and that I get to spend so much time with her.  (Which is a good thing because I can not get enough of her.)  She loves to help me work when she can.  She does make it difficult so she only sits in my lap once in a while.

Miss A is becoming so independent.  She loves playing in her jumper and is spending more time in it now that she can actually play with the toys.  She still has to stand on a box lid though because she is just a little too short.  Sorry, girl... being too short was the story of my life and looks like I may have passed it on to you.

Aubree is growing so so so much!!!  She has officially outgrown her 0-3 month pajamas.  I avoided changing sizes as long as I could but her tiny toes started to fill in the feet of her jams.  I don't want my baby to grow up.  I actually cried when I boxed up some of her old jams.  She still has her favs hanging in the closet though.  I just couldn't bring myself to put them away yet.  She can still wear her onsies and dresses though so she will be wearing them as much as she can.

She also had her 4 month check up and shots this week.  Talk about a sad baby.  It breaks my heart to hear her cry.  She got a terrible fever the next day and was miserable.  She got to hang out in her diaper and cuddle with Mommy all day, so it wasn't all bad.  She even got to relax with a cool rag on her head.  I am not really sure that she enjoyed it so much, but she is really good at  doing things to make me happy.

She got to sit in her rocking chair for the first time.  Amp was a little jealous and wanted to play with us, but I don't think Aubree wanted to play.

We had a bit of a bad hair day week.  I think Aubree was mad about it too :)  She has started to talk yell a lot.  She can be so loud.  I think she just likes to hear herself talk.

And finally... Here is Bree after a day of shopping with Mommy.  She is destined to be a sorority girl, sleeping with her panda.

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