Saturday, August 31, 2013

Aubree is... a few weeks older

We have our computer back!  I couldn't convince Dan to buy a new computer, just yet... (but I just bought a car and might have bought A a ton of new clothes) so I can't complain too much.  But... we officially have our computer back and it is up to limited warranty standards.

So much has happened in the past few weeks.  Most importantly, Aubree is 3 weeks older, so lets start there.

15 Weeks

Aubree went to my favorite restaurant of all time this week!  Casa Bonita!  She had a great time meeting some of our family and watching the cliff divers.  

Aubree also loves shopping with Mommy and going to lunch with the girls!

Aubree also turned 100 days old!!!  I can't believe how fast my baby is growing!

Aubree got to go to her first wedding reception this week!  Our neighbors got married on the beach and we got to help them celebrate.  Aubree had a great time and even got to hang out with Lindsey.

She was really tired though and kept squirming in her dress so she got to change her clothes.

16 Weeks

Aubree got to watch her first Bronco's game with Daddy this week!

This week Aubree had a bit of sleep regression :(  She is now waking up every 3-4 hours.  I really hope she grows out of this phase and goes back to her 6-8 hour stretches...  Mommy needs some sleep.

We got to go to Cafe Rio this week.  It is quickly becoming my new craving, although, I will never crave anything more than Dairy Queen.  I think Miss A really wanted to drink my soda!

And eat my burrito...

Aubree is laughing and giggling SO much!  She seems to be such a person and getting so much personality!

She also plays so much that when she finally takes a nap, she sleeps hard.  :)

Aubree also rolled over for the first time!  Her Daddy sat on the floor to play with her and over she went.  Of course she only did it once and wouldn't do it for me.  For me, she ate her fingers.

The dogs still don't really care for Aubree too much.  Amp still checks on her but won't get too close to her.  That is until Daddy and Aubree play horsy with Amp.

Aubree doesn't really like when Mommy has to do chores around the house.  She got to help me do some laundry this week.

We are LOVING the cooler weather in Colorado!  Here is Aubree hanging out in her new hoodie.

17 Weeks

This week Aubree and I went to a Mommy and Me lunch!  It was so good to hang out with other mommies and babies. 

We also went to Uncle Jeremy's housewarming.  We had such a fun time and we got to hang out with Grandma Ruby and talk about our upcoming 4 generation vacation.  

We also got to take a few more family pictures, which I can't get enough of.

Aubree went to her first baby shower on Sunday!  She is excited for her new friend to be born ;)  After we got home, Aubree decided to show off for Shaula and decided to roll over... and over and over.  She rolled over all day.  

After Aubree played on her blanket, Ampy decided that it was his turn to play on the blanket.

He was also a bit jealous this week and also decided that he needed to take a turn on Aubree's play gym.

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