Saturday, August 31, 2013

Aubree is 19 weeks

This week Aubree got to go to Washington for Aunt Dewey's wedding!  She had so many firsts on our trip and we had so much fun!  More on that later...

Dr. Deckerman said that we could safely start solids when Aubree was ready!  I really wanted to wait until she was 6 months old, but she is already showing interest so I think we will start her on rice cereal sooner, than later.  She does love to sit in her highchair when we are in the kitchen and she really loves playing with her spoons!

I felt like a mom of the year this week!  Aubree was still sleeping when it was time to leave for work so I got her out of her bassinet, down the stairs, in her car seat, and buckled in without waking her up!  I felt pretty awesome!

Aubree got to spend the day in her jams because she was such a good sleeper.  She even got to have lunch with Mommy in her jammies.

Aubree and I went to Sam's Club to stock the fridge for Daddy before we left for Washington.  Aubree got mad at the lady checking us out for being too slow and decided to yell... and yell... and yell.  She was so mad.

Aubree's Grandma bought her a few tons of new toys to take on the airplane.  I think she would have paid any amount to make sure Aubree wasn't "that kid" on the plane.  But, thanks to her new toys Aubree did amazing during the flight.  She got to test them out before we left though.  She does love chewing on her apple.

Maybe she loves chewing on it because my baby got her first tooth this week.  That's right, my 4 month old baby has a TOOTH!  Apparently that is why she had a fever this weekend.  We found it at the airport before we loaded the plane.  She did not have any reaction to her 2 month shots so it was a little weird that she reacted so strong to her 4 month shots.  It turns out, it wasn't a reaction but she is just like her mommy and gets a crazy temperature right before she cuts a tooth.  Tooth number 2 will be here before the end of this week... which means we have a cranky baby with a temperature right now... wish us luck.

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