Thursday, October 17, 2013

6 months!

Age: 6 months
Height: not sure yet... We haven't had her 6 month appointment yet
Weight:  14 pounds 1 ounce
Clothes: 3-6 month clothes and jammies, occasionally a 9 month pajama when I forget to do the laundry for a few days.
Diaper Size: Size 2
Things she loves: watching, petting, and laughing at the dogs, eating, playing with toys, putting anything in her mouth
Things she hates: falling alseep, waking up (sorry girl, so do Mommy and Daddy... it's in your genes)
Milestones:  Rolling over front to back and back to front, sitting up one her own, reaching for things, still only 2 teeth, babbling and cooing like crazy
Sleeping: Terrible is the only way to describe sleep the last month.  She had a cold and then an ear infection as well as (I am assuming) a growth spurt.  We have not slept longer than 3 hours in awhile.  And naps seem almost non-existant.   We are lucky to get 3 - 10 minute naps in a day.  She will be moving into her own room this month though.
Eating: She loves eating! We are working on solids!  She loves rice cereal if it is mixed with breastmilk.  She likes carrots and peas but the peas always come back out.  We will be starting pears and squash soon.  I am also working on making baby food.

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