Thursday, October 17, 2013

Aubree is 26 weeks

Aubree is 26 weeks old!  

We did not have a crazy week this week.  It doesn't help that every person in our house (dogs included) are sick.  This has been a week-long sick-day and I am so done with it.  This one hit us hard... I imagine we are a pretty pathetic sight... all of us laying on the couch with tissues and throat spray in hand  (Baby Saline and Nose Frida for Aubree)  and Vick's and water in the Scentsy.  I can't take anything but Amoxicillin because I am breast feeding so we are fighting this one out with rest and fluids.  Well, Aubree doesn't seem to understand that Mom and Dad need rest, so we have really just been getting by with the fluids and a little rest when we can.  I must say that we couldn't live without our Hot Apple Cider for the Keurig... It seems to be the only thing that helps us feel a little normal and is about the only thing we can do to feel a little Fall-festive at the moment.  I hope this nasty bug leaves our house soon. I need some energy to catch up on laundry and dishes. We have spent many days this week in sweats and jammies.  I think Aubree likes jammie days.  She also likes when I hold her up to her mobile because she can let go of the toy as much as she wants and we don't have to bend over to pick it up. 

Even our dogs are sick.  We had to take Amp to the vet because he spent three nights throwing up.  Luckily, we got him some medicine.  Aubree loves her dogs.  She loves laughing at them and petting them.  She is good at petting Jenkins but Amp's hair is just the right length to grab and pull.  They put up with her though.  Of course Aubree was rocking another Halloween outfit at the vet.  

Needless to say, we did a ton of cuddle-bugging this week.  Nothing is better than baby cuddles.  At least there is one silver lining to being sick.

It is amazing how fast Aubree's mood can change.  Can you believe these pictures were 5 minutes apart?  Can you even believe this is the same kid?  

In one of our moments of feeling better I decided to try making our own baby food!  I couldn't wait to start and been planning it since before she was born.  Aubree loved to be a part of it too.  I made carrots by steaming them and then pureeing them with water and freezing them in ice cube trays.  We also made acorn squash by baking it in an inch of water and then pureeing it with breast milk and freezing it.  I can't wait for her to try them and to make sweet potatoes and apples.  We are using this website for recipes and ideas of food to try next.

Ampy liked the leftover carrots.  He is a big fan of home made baby food.  Hopefully Aubree will be too. :)

We did a lot of lounging this week so it is a good thing that Aubree likes her jumper and is getting a little more independent.  We also broke out a bunch of new toys to keep her entertained while we tried to muster up the energy to get things done.  She loves her new Taggies Puppy

And she really loves her new Playskool Giraffe from my mom and dad.  When you push his head the balls pop and spin like crazy.  Maybe not the best toy for a week that we are battling the worst headaches of our lives, but it is worth it because she loves it so much.

Despite all the sickies... Aubree is working on sitting by herself.  She can go about 10 seconds all by herself and can even pull herself back when she falls forward.  We are still working on when she falls backward though.  

We also got to celebrate one of my best friend's son's birthdays this week.  It is so cool that Aubree will have friends from so young.  I LOVE these pictures of all of them together and I can't wait to add more to the bunch!

Aubree has been finding more and more toys that are interesting.  She loves to grab and put things in her mouth.  She loves this bunny but this day she seemed to like the tag more than the toy.  Yum.

Hopefully we are going to continue to feel better and better and we hope that no one else has to feel as yucky as we do right now.  We are looking froward to feeling better, Aubree turning 6 months old, and catching up with Pam and BJ!  We are not looking forward to Aubree moving into her own room (and by we, I mean me).  Here's to hoping next week will be a better week!  It is a good thing we have this precious little face to keep us going.  

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