Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy 1st Halloween, Aubree!

To me, September means fall and November means Christmas!  Dan does not see it the same...  He is adamant that his September birthday is still summer and Thanksgiving must happen before the Christmas tree goes up.  Marriage is about compromise, right? So September 17 (the day after his birthday) fall decor can go up and I listen to Christmas music all day while he is at work.  Not a bad little system we have going on.  ...And Aubree might have wore her Halloween bibs before September was over.

Now that November is almost over... and Aubree is finally napping, I have time to catch up... We had a fabulous Halloween!  I am loving every single second of Aubree's firsts.  Her 1st Halloween will always be one of my favorites.  

Halloween was a Thursday this year so after a day of work, Aubree and I made her first Halloween craft... the first of MANY, I am sure.

Then after Dan got home, we got to carve pumpkins as a family.  Ok, really, I made pumpkin seeds and supervised Aubree with the paint while Dan carved a pumpkin.  


Once the paint went in her mouth paint got replaced with applesauce and I could do my pumpkin.  She preferred the paint, but we had so much fun!


Then came Aubree's Halloween photo shoot... She was not as amused at we were....

Then costumes!  I bought Aubree an owl costume because we planned to go the the Highlands Ranch Trunk or Treat, but when I looked at the calendar, it had already happened.  Time sure flies with a baby in the house.  

Aubree also got to wear the same costume that I wore 27 years ago!  Talk about Mama and Mini!


We finally settled into our football costumes for trick-or-treaters.  I think Aubree was worn out by that point but woke up just long enough to snap a family pic before we turned the light out, read our Halloween story, and said good night.

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