Saturday, November 23, 2013

7 Months

Age: 7 months
Height: 25 inches (9th percentile)
Weight:  14 pounds 4 ounces (12th percentile)
Head Circumference: 85th percentile
Clothes: A is about 1 week away from outgrowing her 3-6 month jammies.  She seems to outgrow the jams before any of her other clothes.  She is still wearing 3-6 month clothes for the most part but she has many cuter 9-12 clothes so we are starting to go to that side of the closet more.
Diaper Size: Size 2, except at night, we started using overnight diapers.  Dan swore the smallest size they had at the store was a 3, so that is what she wears at night.  
Things she loves: sitting up! Playing with anything that has buttons... toys, remotes, phones, drinking out of cups and bottles, eating everything, her dogs, being carried, playing with keys,  the love list is getting much longer than the hate list, so that is good!
Things she hates: SLEEP.  Girl hates her sleep... naps, bedtime, if sleep is involved she hates it.  We are still working on sleeping through the night... we make it about 5 hours and then every 2-3 after that.  She went from loving her swing, to hating her swing in about a day.  But I think she associates it with nap time, so technically it would be included with sleep.  Other than that, she is a very happy baby.  
Milestones:  Sitting for minutes at a time, reaching for things, pushing buttons, bringing food the her mouth (and wondering why the food didn't stay in her mouth... we are working on that one.), rolling in every way possible, babbling consonant sounds (her favorite is mmm, which leads to mom and mama. :))
Teething: She got her first teeth at 4 months, but we haven't seen anymore yet.  Her doctor said she definitely has movement, which cold be the cause of some fussiness and headaches.
Sleeping: Eh... Not good.  Better than terrible though.  She is officially in her own room (and we did it without any tears from me... and only one night of sleeping on her floor.  It would have been more, but I am too old for that)  She always starts the night on her left side, then rolls to her right, then rolls right onto her tummy.  That is usually how she sleeps until she wakes up in the middle of the night.  (Can you tell I have spent many nights watching the video monitor?)
Eating: Girl loves her food!  I love watching her try new things.  She seems to enjoy baby food, but loves eating whatever we have.  Her favorites seem to be strawberry puffs, applesauce, and pears.
Looking forward to: I am so excited for Aubree to start crawling.  We also can't wait to get our family pictures taken! 

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