Saturday, November 23, 2013

30 and 31 weeks

Time is going so fast!

Aubree may be getting more independent, but she loves cuddling.

She also loves remotes and watching Sesame Street.  

Aubree is starting to eat more than just purees.  She really liked eating soggy Cherrios for breakfast.

She also loves helping her Grandma and Mom work.  I think in no time she will be better at using the adding machine than I am 

She is also very stylish in Grandma's sunglasses

I can't believe that my baby is already over 2 feet tall.  She was 18.75 inches when she was born.  My baby is growing too fast.  One day we will make a growth chart like this for her room... I just have to buy the supplies and find some time :)

Baby jail... do I need to say more?  She fell asleep at to foot of her crib after rolling around like crazy.

Aubree loves to be held.  Especially when I am working.  She also took the hat off of her Rudolph, so she had to wear it.  It lasted about 2.5 seconds before it ended up in her mouth.

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