Friday, October 11, 2013

Aubree is 25 weeks

Aubree is 25 weeks old!

You might already know that I am kind of addicted to baby clothes.  I don't know how it took me 25 weeks to figure out that I am definitely addicted to baby jeans!  Possibly the cutest thing ever.

Aubree got her pumpkins from Grandma Ruby this week!  Homegrown, especially for her. (Grandpa used to grow them for us, so they are especially special to me.)  As for now, they are decoration around our house but I think when we carve our adult pumpkins, Aubree might get to finger hand paint these Aubree-sized pumpkins.  I can't wait.  Let the Halloween festivities begin!

Speaking of Halloween festivities, October starts the month of a new Halloween outfit every day!  Thanks to my shopping addiction, Grandma's shopping addiction (at least I know where I get it), and the many sales last year when I was pregnant, Aubree has 17 Halloween outfits!   

She is starting to sit up by herself so I can snap a few pictures of all of her Halloween-ness.

She thinks this one is particularly delicious and did not want me to take a picture of it.

Stubborn... I wonder where she gets that from.

Good thing I am more stubborn (for now)... I win.

Yet another milestone... Where did my baby go and who is this big girl?
Aubree has started to reach for things.  Well, mainly my face and hair but each day she reaches for more things like her toys and my soda.  Thank you to my cat-like reflexes I have saved us from wearing Coke and salsa and baby food many-a-time.

She is also learning that when you reach for something, it can fall.  I am not sure she knows where it went yet but she is learning that Mommy can make it reappear.

Aubree is also getting really good at distracting me helping me work.  She is loving paper which is awesome because I deal with a lot of paper.  And highlighters.  She likes highlighters.  Well, really, she likes anything that I am using.  

Speaking of awesome... I sang the "Awesome" chant to Dan this week.  He was not as impressed as Aubree was but it brought me back to my sorority days.  I am pretty sure I will never be able to spell the word awesome without singing the song.  Anyone else? No? Just me? I will definitely be teaching it to Aubree as soon as she can start singing :) AOII in the making?


We had a super rough week.  She finally started to get over her cold which I was excited about because maybe she was going to start sleeping better...  We haven't had a good night's sleep in quite awhile.  Then, she started waking up more than when she was a newborn.  I lost count after the 12th time she woke up in the middle of the night.  I thought I knew what tired was... Aubree taught me that I had no idea what tired could be.  During the day, Aubree had some major melt downs.  Like screaming, flailing, all out fits. It broke my heart!  She hadn't done that since she got diagnosed with reflux.  So, off to the doctor we went.  Our poor baby got her first ear infection.  

She is on antibiotics and it seems to be helping but she is still waking at least once every hour.  By about 4 or 5 am, she won't sleep by herself anymore.  She cries until she can cuddle with me.  I also never knew that you could cuddle so close with someone.  I woke up the other day with my head off of the bed and laying the wrong direction because every time I moved, she wiggled her way closer to me.  But how can I not give in to baby snuggles when I know she is feeling so lousy.  I got pretty sick this week too so a little extra cuddle time was kind of nice... I just wish it followed a good night's sleep. Once I know she is feeling better we will probably start the transition to her own room.  


We haven't been doing much food this week because Miss A hasn't been feeling so great.  Now that we have picked it up again she is loving it.  She tolerates the food but she loves putting the spoon in her mouth by herself.  The list of foods that she does not like far outweighs the foods that she does like. 


Speaking of things Aubree does not like, let's add socks and shoes to the list.  My mom bought Aubree some Converse sneakers so I can tie them to her feet and she can not wiggle her way out of them.  I had barely put my camera away and the other sock was already off.

Can you believe that these three pictures are of the same baby and on the same day?  She is our little monster, for sure.  I can't wait for her to feel better so we can have our happy baby back all day long.

After Aubree started to feel a little better, we decided to go out as a family.  We met some friends at Old C's and then we went to a German festival (different than the Oktoberfest, I guess?)  Aubree loves to sit with us and be part of everything that is going on.  She also loves to reach for food and drinks.  This is where the cat-like reflexes comes in handy.

Aubree also loves to hang out in my spot on the bed.  Just hanging out with her buddies, Amp and Jenkins. 

And finally, our weekly church picture...  

I probably don't have to mention that Dan won again in our football pool this week... This tradition could get old really fast if I keep losing by so much. 

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