Monday, September 30, 2013

Aubree is 24 weeks

Surprisingly, we did not have a crazy week...  It was a nice change.

Aubree is 24 weeks old and getting so much bigger.  I can't help but remember when she could fit across my body when she ate.  Now she has to sit on my leg and her feet touch the couch or bed.  She loves jumping in her jumper and is working on sitting by herself.  Dan calls it her gorilla sit because she sits with her hands in front of her.  She also loves playing with her feet.  I can't believe how independent she is getting.  Don't get me wrong, she still loves to be held All. The. Time.  But she can do so much now.

I just commented that I can't wait until she can sit up and it two days later she was sitting.  In a few more days she could sit with no support for a few seconds.  I look forward to her developing and then the next day she can do something new.  I can't believe how fast she is learning.  She isn't my tiny baby anymore.

She LOVES talking and yelling.  I am also loving that her babbles are mostly m's and o's leading to lots of "mooooom, mom, maaa's" I know she doesn't know what it means but it makes my heart melt.

I am so excited for October!  Halloween, more specifically.  We broke out the Halloween jammies this weekend.  After organizing Aubree's closet I realized that she has 17 Halloween outfits.  (and I am seriously considering Dan's concerns that I have a shopping and baby clothes addiction... It could be worse, I guess.)

Aubree is such a happy baby. I know how lucky we are and how amazing she is.  I am so in love with this little girl and I can't wait to wake up each and every day to see her smiling face.  Although, sometimes it is a fussy face because she has decided to quit napping.  We are lucky to get an hour or so each day.  


When she does nap, we let her sleep.  Even if it is in that middle of the floor.

Dan had this Saturday off from work.  He surprised me by taking Aubree downstairs so I could sleep in.  Then he surprised me by picking up some of my favorites while I showered.  I could get used to having him home on the weekend :)

We went to church again this week.  I can't believe how good she is during the service.  (I hope I didn't just jinx myself for next week.)  She likes to watch the band and listen to the music and then she falls asleep in my arms for the service.  She usually wakes up just in time for the band to play again but seems content just listening to the music.

I am so excited for our new tradition that I hope we can continue for many years.  We go to (or make) breakfast after church.  I think Aubree was so hungry that she was wiling to eat a straw wrapper.  What a goof.  

We also started to bet each week on all of the football games.  At breakfast we choose a winner of each game.  It makes watching football all day a little more interesting.  Dan won the first week.  He picked 4 more winning games than I did.  I will get him next week though.  I can't wait until Aubree can pick her own teams!  She is not very interested in football yet.  she fell asleep chewing on her dress.

And finally, here is Amp hiding behind Aubrees glider while we were trying to take her weekly picture.

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