Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Aubree is 21 weeks

Seriously, 21 weeks!  Where did my baby go?  She is growing so much!

I can not even begin to describe how much I love waking up to this face every day.   Well, it is more waking up to her cry... but I get to roll over and see her smiling face once she realizes she woke me up and she is going to get a new diaper and milk.  What a life.

I love getting to hang out with this girl before work every morning.  We are so blessed to get to spend time playing or relaxing before I have to get ready.

We had another run at food this week.  I thought we could start some squash.  Aubree thought differently.  Apparently she is taking after both Mommy and Daddy and is going to be quite picky.  Needless to say, she did NOT like the squash.

After a gag and a cry, we went back to the rice cereal... which she LOVES!

How can you not love this "too cool to smile", peace sign making baby.

Aubree also decided that she loves to play with pull Mommy's hair.  Mommy does not love this so much but she does it all the time.  I have learned to keep a brush in every room in the house as well as the diaper bag and car.  What a mess she makes.

She is also not a huge fan of headbands... She decided they were more fun to chew on than to wear.

Aubree has two teeth and loves her teethers, but instead of playing with her $30 Sophie, she chews her fingers instead.  Silly girl...  Eventually she gave in and chewed on Sophie.  We are going to have issues pretty soon though because Sophie and a few other toys sound surprizingly similar to the dog toys.  The dogs have a hard time knowing which are theirs and which are Aubree's toys.

And finally, and most excitingly, Aubree (and Mommy and Daddy) finished our first 5K this weekend!  We got to race with the Coke team for Dan's job so of course we got decked out in Coca-Cola red and white!  I am still sore 2 days later...  Maybe the next time I will do some training.  Aubree had a great time though.  She got to sleep in her stroller for most of it and then wake up to cross the finish line.  It was to benefit Juvenile Diabetes so there were tons of booths and things for kids to do.    Aubree got to take pictures with Star Wars characters and even got to ride a tortoise!

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