Saturday, September 7, 2013

Aubree is 20 weeks

We had a good time catching up after our vacation last week.  Getting into our routines was easier than I had imagined.  Aubree loves her own bed and it was great to have her swing back... Although in this picture she was wide awake and giggling after many attempts of being put to bed... at 10pm while Mommy was trying to work.

Bree has 2 teeth!  Both of her bottom teeth have come in and she loves to bite!  I know it makes her feel better, but it makes me hurt...  Silly girl, we might have to seriously transition to bottles if she keeps this up.

Aubree had rice cereal this week!  I wanted so bad to wait until 6 months to start solids, but she stares at food and mouths at our food.  She can hold herself up in the highchair and chews on her spoon.  She can hold herself on her hands when she lays on her tummy.  I am not sure I can wait for any more signs that she is ready to eat.  Are there any other signs that she is ready to eat?  I don't think so.  I think she really liked it!  She had the biggest grin the whole time and would open her mouth for the spoon as soon as she swallowed.  We made a pretty big mess though... We officailly moved her bibs to the kitchen from her dresser.  Who would have guessed that bibs would not be useful in her room?  Apparently, me.  Oh well.  I guess you learn as you go as first time parents, huh?

Still trying to figure out the video thing... maybe next week.

Bree is still taking her medicine.  This week she decided she could give it to herself... She still needed my help but she enjoyed chewing on her syringe for a while.

Aubree is getting so big!  She can stand in her jumper all by herself.  She even plays with the toys.

I love waking up to this face everyday.  She is my everything.  She was so adorable crinkling the pages in bed before we got up for the day.

Miss Bree's 20 ultrasound and her 20 week pic!  I can't believe we have made it to 20 weeks... 

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