Tuesday, September 24, 2013

5 Months!

Age: 5 months
Clothes: 3-6 month jams exclusively, but still in a couple 0-3 months dresses.  3-6 month onsies are a little too long.
Diaper Size: Still in a size 1 but we will switch very soon.
Things she loves: playing with toys, rice cereal, watching the dogs, pulling Mommy's hair
Things she hates: still hates sleeping and waking up more than anything.  She also hates being alone (like in the carseat and swing).  Baths... maybe strongly dislike is a better description.
Milestones:  Mostly rolling over.  She is sitting up with less support and will be sitting up very soon!
Sleeping: Mostly good nights.  She has been sleeping about 6 hours before she wakes up to eat.
Eating: She loves eating! We started solids!  She loves rice cereal if it is mixed with breastmilk.  She does NOT like rice cereal mixed with formula.  She also hates squash.

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