Monday, September 30, 2013

Aubree is 23 weeks

What a crazy week!

Aubree is moving around so much!  I don't know if she will ever crawl because she hates being on her tummy.  She likes moving around on her back though.  We can put her on her play mat and 2 minutes later she is in the middle of the room.  Silly girl.  She even ended up under the coffee table the other night.

We took a break from solids this week because Aubree threw up for the first time.  (Not spit up... but actual green goo all over the swing, floor, Aubree, and Mommy.)  A small piece of me worried that it was a food allergy but she also has some cold symptoms so we took a break, just to be safe.  I am still leaning towards it just being a cold but we will keep you updated.  She has had a slight temperature, a cough, and a runny and stuffy nose off and on.

The pediatrician suggested that we try giving her warm juice to help with her cough and that it would help if she felt sick.  I gave her some apple juice in a sippy cup.  She seemed to like holding the cup but didn't drink any of it.  I am hoping that she will start to drink out of the sippy because she still refuses a bottle.  We tries 2 different sippys and have a third to try.  I think she will take one of them.

She also likes to practice holding Coke bottles.  Of course she doesn't drink any, but when Daddy works for Coke, she will be a soda drinker before we know it.

Another sad event this week... Our dog, Jenkins looked like he had a seizure.  The left side of his face was numb and droopy.  Of course we were scared to death and rushed him to the vet.  It turns out he has the doggy version of Bell's Palsy.  His 7th cranial nerve was effected but not the 6th or 8th so we are fairly sure he did not have a seizure but we don't know what caused it.  The vet was hopeful that he should be back to normal in 8 weeks.  We have to put ointment in his eye 4-5 times per day so it won't dry our and we have to blink his eye for him.  And of course he has a lot more drool so we wipe his mouth a bit more.  We are so so so thankful that it wasn't anything more serious.  It really made me realize how lucky we are to have such an amazing family, dogs included. It makes me realize how much I have been taking them for granted and how much I love these dogs and my family.  I am so glad that he is going to be alright.  He has been enjoying it though because he has slept on the bed every night and got many new rawhides.

On a happier note, we bought Aubree's first pumpkin this week!  She loves it.  She wanted to touch it play with it all day.  I can't wait to bake the pumpkin seeds and carve it as a family this weekend.

We went to the Highlands Ranch Oktoberfest this weekend.  I can't wait to do it every year.  Aubree will have so much fun when she is big enough to do the events.  I wish we were better at taking pictures as a family during the events but we will get better at it.  Aubree also falls asleep in her stroller so it is hard to take cute pictures of her at the things that we do.  I have so many pictures of her sleeping in her carseat.

Aubree also got to watch Dad and Grandpa cut down a tree in our yard this week!  Although they were scared at first I think the dogs liked getting to chew on the HUGE sticks before we threw them away.

On Sunday, we went to church for the first time as a family.  Aubree slept through most of it and then woke up with hiccups.  It is a good thing people thought in was cute and not annoying.  Then we went out to breakfast.  I can't wait to do it every weekend.  I am not sure Dan will let us go to Ihop anymore though... it is next to Carter's and I have a slight major baby clothes addiction.  Aubree did get some cute new outfits though!

Then we drove to Pueblo to visit friends and go to the Chile Festival.  We bought a bushel of chiles and we are STILL cleaning them.  I can't wait to try some new green chile recipes and make some chile rellanos with fresh chiles!  We forgot to put Aubree's stroller in our friends' car though, so we had to carry her the whole time.  She feel asleep on Dan and I think he liked that.  We had some delicious fried food and had a great time.  It was so cool to see Dan's old house and drive around to all of the places that we used to go together.  It was great to reminice about when we dated and talk to Aubree about the things we used to do.  We even got to take her to some of our favorite date spots.  We will probably do it again when she can remember it, but it was a ton of fun for us.

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