Monday, September 30, 2013

Aubree is 22 weeks

This week we celebrated Grandpa Jim's birthday and Daddy's 28th birthday!  It was a full birthday week!  We went to dinner to celebrate on Saturday.  Aubree loves spending time with family and I love catching up with everyone.  I think she likes candy.  Don't worry, she doesn't really eat chocolate yet... she just gets to play with it.

The 3 of us went to Cafe Rio to celebrate Daddy's birthday for lunch.  Aubree sat in the high chair and actually sat in it.  She is still a little too little but she is getting so much stronger.

Aubree got a new ball from her friend, Ryan this week.  She LOVES it.  I think it is her new favorite toy.  The only thing that would make it better is if she could figure out how to put it in her mouth.

She still does not like squash... or oatmeal cereal.  She is a very picky little baby.  We did try peas a few times though.  She seems to like tolerates them.  She definitely prefers rice cereal with breast milk.

Aubree does not like to nap!  She loves to be awake and loves to play and be held.  When she does fall asleep, I have to take advantage and get some work done...  Even if that means working in bed because that is where she fell asleep.

Aubree seems to like playing with my wallet too...  I think she likes shopping just like Mommy.

Just lounging in the crib...

Aubree has definitely found her feet!  They are the cheapest toy we have.  She hasn't really put them in her mouth yet so we can keep our matching pedicures for now.  

Sometimes she plays so hard she falls asleep while she plays.

And finally... A is having much more fun taking her weekly pictures now that she is grabbing at things and playing.  

I can only imagine her saying, "Come here, Bear.  You are too far away!"

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