Friday, February 22, 2013

30 weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks-February 16
Baby is the size of a: A Cucumber… She is almost 16 inches long and about 3 pounds!
Total weight gain/loss: +23 pounds 
Maternity clothes? Yes.  But trying to squeeze into some non-maternity sweaters and t-shirts while I still can.
Stretch marks? No, but I am almost out of my belly butter so I bought some Mustela cream… It may even be time to use it more than twice a day.
Sleep: Besides waking up with heartburn, my body has started this new hip and back pain thing, which I am not enjoying… but sleeping a little better.
Miss Anything? Cuddling with my husband…  I have to sleep propped up on 3 king sized pillows and I toss and turn all night.  Yuck!  I can’t wait to feel normal again and be able roll over without having to get my cardio in for the day.
Movement: Yes!  I wish I could see inside though.  I feel kicks or punches all over and wish I knew what she was doing in there.
Food cravings: No cravings, really… but I have finished 2 boxes of Lemon Girl Scout cookies.  Yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just heartburn… It is getting a bit ridiculous.
The Bump: Still measuring on track.
Gender: Baby P is a Girl!
Picking out a name: Not quite yet…  But hopefully soon!  I can’t wait to put her name above her crib.
Labor Signs: Nope.  Hoping this stays “no” for at least 7 more weeks.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? On. 
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!
Best moment this week:  What a week!  We got some new appliances, which is exciting…  but the fridge didn’t fit so instead of picking a new one I put on my stubborn pants and we got out the jig-saw and sander and made it fit :) Also, doing laundry in my new washer and dryer makes that chore a little more exciting.  We also toured the hospital and saw where we will deliver and hold our sweet little girl for the first time, which makes everything feel a little more real.  And finally, Valentine’s Day… nothing fancy, but it is amazing how much a lunch date at Firehouse Subs and then cuddling on the couch, catching up on the DVR, and eating sour jelly beans can make me so happy.
Looking forward to: Our 30-week appointment and being ¾ of the way there!

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