Sunday, March 31, 2013

36 weeks

How far along? 36 Weeks-March 30
Baby is the size of a: A watermelon
Total weight gain/loss: up 36
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? Nope, none yet.
Sleep: still pretty good… besides getting out of bed, sleep is good.
Miss Anything? Besides being able to pick things up off the floor and get off the couch, I am really missing being able to shop.  I make it through one store before I get super tired and need a nap.  I have become a great online shopper though :)
Movement: Lots of movement!  She even wakes me up at night by kicking my ribs.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing.
The Bump: Making it difficult to do things… It is so crazy to think that in less than a month it will be gone (mostly).
Picking out a name: Aubree
Labor Signs:  Some contractions… pretty sure they are not Braxton Hicks… but we’ll see how the next few weeks go.
Belly Button in or out? In! and holding on strong.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy. 
Best moment this week:  Celebrating ONE MONTH until baby’s due date!  And girl’s night!  I forget how much I miss my friends when I am at on bed rest at home and working.  Also, my blood work came back normal for pre-eclampsia but I am supposed to keep taking it easy and keep an eye out for more symptoms.
Looking forward to: My baby shower :) Finishing up projects around the house… And meeting Miss Aubree!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

35 weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks (35 days to go!) -March 23
Baby is the size of a: A coconut
Total weight gain/loss: up 35 pounds
Maternity clothes? Maternity and sweats… but some of my sweats are getting tight…  Miss Aubree better make her debut or I will not have any clothes to wear.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: besides waking up for bathroom breaks every 3 hours, sleep is good. 
Miss Anything? Having normal sized ankles and feet!  My ankles look like softballs by the end of the day and my feet get so swollen that I can’t move my toes and my slippers don’t even fit! 
Movement: mostly small movements and wiggles because she is a little cramped in there but once in a while I get a foot trying to kick out of my side.
Food cravings: grapefruit, grilled cheese with cheddar and pepperjack cheese, oranges, and pineapple.
Anything making you queasy or sick: just pizza… yuck.
The Bump: Still getting bigger. 
Picking out a name: Aubree… Still working on the middle name.  Dan likes Mackenzie but that would make her name 23 letters long.  I am leaning towards something a little shorter.
Labor Signs:  Still just some Braxton Hicks… And maybe pre-eclampsia (not really a labor sign, but if my blood work comes back positive it will probably mean an early delivery) 
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? Off…
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time this week… but I got put on bed rest on Friday to keep my swelling and blood pressure down.  (Which makes me not-so-happy)  Also, when you poke my skin it leaves a dent which is kinda crazy… but until that goes away I am bored and in bed. :(
Best moment this week:  Hearing our baby’s heartbeat at our appointment is always the best moment of the week (142 BPM).  She is measuring on track and looking healthy.  Also, I love finishing projects!  Her bow holder is done, curtains are hung up, most of her laundry is put away, her bassinet is set up, and her name is above her crib.  Also, Dan and I celebrated 3 years together this week…  I would have never guessed 3 years ago that this is where we would be but I am so lucky and happy to have all of these blessings in my life.
Looking forward to: My doctor is making us start weekly appointments early to keep an eye on my blood pressure and swelling and Baby Aubree’s growth so I am looking forward to making sure that Aubree is healthy.  Mostly, I am just so excited to meet our sweet baby and bring her home!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

34 weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks-March 16
Baby is the size of a: A Cantaloupe
Total weight gain/loss: up 30 pounds… Eeks!
Maternity clothes? Maternity and sweats… that is about it.
Stretch marks? Not yet… I feel they might be coming though.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good.  I don’t want to jinx it, but once I actually get to sleep, it is pretty good (besides getting up to pee).
Miss Anything? Being comfortable.  My feet hurt and it is so hard to get around and move and even just sit.
Movement: Definitely feeling more rolls rather than kicks but it is still amazing to feel her move.  It is also cool to feel her hiccups.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular… Still loving fruit and cookies though.  I bought a box of grapefruit from Sam’s Club and they were gone in less than a week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week.  I still don’t want pizza but my heartburn is getting better!
The Bump: I am starting to feel absolutely ridiculous… I feel HUGE!  I am not sure that my belly can get much bigger.
Picking out a name: Aubree
Labor Signs:  Nope.  Hopefully soon though ;)
Belly Button in or out? In.  I don’t think it will come out at all.
Wedding rings on or off? Off :(  I have been wearing a bigger ring though.  I feel weird not wearing my wedding rings.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy… uncomfortable… but happy.
Best moment this week:  Hanging out with some more friends this week was great. 
Looking forward to: Our 34 week appointment, working on Miss Aubree’s room, getting maternity pictures soon, and of course… meeting our baby girl!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

33 weeks

How far along? 33 Weeks-March 9
Baby is the size of a: A Honeydew
Total weight gain/loss: up 27 pounds
Maternity clothes? maternity clothes and sweats…  AND slippers!   I love my slippers and socks and am probably going to live in them for the next 7 weeks. 
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: Not sleeping terribly actually.  I build my fort of king sized pillows and don’t usually wake up until 2.
Miss Anything? living without terrible heartburn
Movement: Still love the feeling of her wiggles but I know she must be getting cramped in there because she kicked my ribs this week.  Ouch!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular this week but I am still loving anything sweet… Mandarin Oranges, rice krispy treats, and pineapple.  I also love Spaghetti-os :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: still just pizza and the occasional heartburn.  I also have to add eating too much in one sitting, I get full really fast.
The Bump: making it more and more uncomfortable to roll over and get out of bed or off the couch.  I know there are only a few more weeks though!
Gender: Baby P is a Girl!
Picking out a name: We have a name and I can’t wait to pick out a middle name.
Labor Signs: nope.  But I keep dreaming that she comes early… a little scary that she really could be here any day.
Belly Button in or out? in, but my skin is stretching.  I think it will hold on and stay in the whole time though.
Wedding rings on or off? Off :(  My fingers officially swelled too much to keep them on this week.  I took them off so they didn’t get stuck.  I don’t like not wearing them though so I will buy a replacement until after baby comes.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  happy!  I am so excited to meet my baby girl!
Best moment this week:  Finishing our taxes… It was the first time I actually had to do them and I officially hate them.  But they are done and now I know what to do for next year.  Also, realizing that we can say “our baby will be born next month!”  Also, we had our 32 week appointment and everything is looking good!
Looking forward to: getting ready for my baby shower!  And getting ready for baby in general.  I love putting things together in her room and hanging up her clothes.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

32 weeks

How far along? 32 Weeks-March 2
Baby is the size of a: A Squash
Total weight gain/loss: 26 pounds
Maternity clothes? Absolutely!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Sleep is ok.  I am sleeping better now that we put risers under the headboard.  I wake up less with heartburn, but life is uncomfortable which makes sleeping hard.
Miss Anything? Bloody Marys… I have been dreaming about them again.  Dan offered to buy me a virgin one but I don’t think it would be worth the heartburn.  I also really missed my energy this week.  Walking up the stairs, rolling out of bed, and shopping are so difficult these days.
Movement: Yes!  I can even see her moving sometimes, which is really weird!
Food cravings: I wanted Panera for dinner the other night.  Mostly just sweets, but nothing major…  Krispy Kreme, blueberry bagels, oranges, strawberries, Pop Tarts.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got really sick after we ate pizza this week.  I don’t know when I will learn I just shouldn’t even try it.  Also, apparently heartburn is still making me sick… while driving home, in my car, in the middle of County Line Rd.  I am not sure I have ever thrown up so much or been so scared in my life.  It was rather embarrassing, actually.
The Bump: Still getting bigger.  It is even getting difficult to pick things up off the floor.  My ankles are getting bigger too… They looked like softballs a few nights this week.
Gender: Baby P is a Girl!
Picking out a name: I think we have decided!  Still not sure of a middle name though.
Labor Signs: Nope.  Just some Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing to worry about.  I keep hearing nausea is a sign of labor and I have definitely been more nauseous lately, but I don’t think it is because of labor.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? On, tight at times, and getting tighter… Lame.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!  And getting anxious with all of the things left to do with less than 2 months until our due date!
Best moment this week:  Date night at Cinzetti’s was a ton of fun.  I don’t know how much time Dan and I will get together once Baby Girl is here, so it is nice to enjoy our last few moments as a family of 2.  We also decided on her first name!
Looking forward to: Working on the nursery, washing and hanging up her clothes, just getting things done before her arrival.