Saturday, March 2, 2013

32 weeks

How far along? 32 Weeks-March 2
Baby is the size of a: A Squash
Total weight gain/loss: 26 pounds
Maternity clothes? Absolutely!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Sleep is ok.  I am sleeping better now that we put risers under the headboard.  I wake up less with heartburn, but life is uncomfortable which makes sleeping hard.
Miss Anything? Bloody Marys… I have been dreaming about them again.  Dan offered to buy me a virgin one but I don’t think it would be worth the heartburn.  I also really missed my energy this week.  Walking up the stairs, rolling out of bed, and shopping are so difficult these days.
Movement: Yes!  I can even see her moving sometimes, which is really weird!
Food cravings: I wanted Panera for dinner the other night.  Mostly just sweets, but nothing major…  Krispy Kreme, blueberry bagels, oranges, strawberries, Pop Tarts.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got really sick after we ate pizza this week.  I don’t know when I will learn I just shouldn’t even try it.  Also, apparently heartburn is still making me sick… while driving home, in my car, in the middle of County Line Rd.  I am not sure I have ever thrown up so much or been so scared in my life.  It was rather embarrassing, actually.
The Bump: Still getting bigger.  It is even getting difficult to pick things up off the floor.  My ankles are getting bigger too… They looked like softballs a few nights this week.
Gender: Baby P is a Girl!
Picking out a name: I think we have decided!  Still not sure of a middle name though.
Labor Signs: Nope.  Just some Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing to worry about.  I keep hearing nausea is a sign of labor and I have definitely been more nauseous lately, but I don’t think it is because of labor.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.
Wedding rings on or off? On, tight at times, and getting tighter… Lame.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!  And getting anxious with all of the things left to do with less than 2 months until our due date!
Best moment this week:  Date night at Cinzetti’s was a ton of fun.  I don’t know how much time Dan and I will get together once Baby Girl is here, so it is nice to enjoy our last few moments as a family of 2.  We also decided on her first name!
Looking forward to: Working on the nursery, washing and hanging up her clothes, just getting things done before her arrival.

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