Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My computer is broken

Well, it's official... My computer has been sick for awhile now, but this week it is gone. Something about the logic board and hard drive and other computer terms that I know nothing about. In non-computer people language... it won't turn on and will cost quite a bit to replace the bits that don't work anymore. Thus, blogging from my phone, which is taking much longer than expected. Sad day. But isn't it amazing what we can do these days... Blogging, from my phone, laying in bed. 

On a funnier note, I was informed that at the end of the year my computer will be considered vintage and the Mac store will no longer work on it. Ok, not really funny, but I didn't want to continue with all of my sad news. 

And my final piece of bad news... I don't know my phone well enough to do my Aubree posts... I can barely log in (Man, do I sound old, or what?). But don't you worry, I am journaling old-school, with a notebook and pen (kinda like a rough draft like when I was in elementary school 20 years ago... Talk about old, goodness. ) Anyway, pictures and updates to come in 10-15 business days when we can pick up the computer (or when someone convinces Dan to let me buy a new, non-vintage computer... So, most likely in a few weeks.) 

And for a little giggle, if I can figure out loading pictures from my phone... Here is Miss Aubree enjoying wearing a paper towel as a hat. What a goof. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Aubree is 14 weeks

Aubree had another busy week.  Are you surprised?  

I can't believe how big my baby is getting!  I can remember holding her when she was first born.  She was so tiny.  She is so tall now.  I love holding her so much.  I feel like I have to take advantage of the time I have to hold her because before I know it, she will be too big to hold.  

She looks so big in her bassinet.  I remember how tiny she looked the day we got her home and now she almost looks too big for it.  
5 days old
95 days old
This week Aubree sat in our highchair for the first time!  

She loves sitting in it and watching me cook.  She always has the biggest smile when I look back at her.  She especially loves when I let her help mix things on her highchair.  I can't wait until she is old enough to actually help cook.  I am so excited to bake Christmas cookies with her.  

I also put her jumper together for our house.  She seems to like it but she is about and inch too short for it so we put a box lid under her feet and she can use it.  

We also tried a new restaurant this week.  We went to the new Mellow Mushroom in Park Meadows this week.  Aubree tried to sit in their big girl highchair.  We may try again in a few months, it was a little big for her.  Aubree also went to downtown Denver for the first time this week.  We met a friend for dinner at the Falling Rock Tap House.  It is great to get out of the house and go out as a family.

I also put on her foot rattles this week.  I don't think she liked them as much as I did.  She had them off in less than 5 minutes.

First one...

Then the other...


And finally, the highlight of my week... Aubree slept a full 8 hours!!!  She only did it once, but she gets close every other night.  We usually sleep 6-7 hours and then it's back to every 2-3.  I will never take sleep for granted again.  I thought it was rough waking up to pee when I was pregnant... Then, A was born and I all I cared about was getting a good 3 hour stretch of sleep.  Now, Life is good. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

3 months!

Age: 3 months
Weight:  11 pounds 3 ounces
Clothes: Still in 0-3 months
Things she loves: chewing on her hands, being held, sitting with us at the table everywhere, sitting and standing while we hold her up, watching her mobile, taking walks, sleeping sideways in the bassinet
Things she hates: falling asleep, tummy time, being alone in her crib
Milestones:  Aubree is holding her head up like a champ.  She moves her head like she is trying to get out when she sits in her swing.  Bree loves to sit and stand by herself (while we hold her, of course)

Aubree is 13 weeks

So, I thought this would be the week that I could say, "Aubree had an uneventful, stress-free week."  We have not had one of those weeks in about 2 years and I was really looking forward to it.  Oh well.  Maybe next week?!?! (Haha.  Yeah, right.)

Oh well!  Happy 13 weeks (and 3 months) to my baby girl!

Aubree had a busy week again this week.  We started out the week at the doctor again... Poor girl.  We changed her medicine from Zantac to Prevacid.  Now Baby is on the same medicine as Mommy.  She seems to be doing well on it, but then again, I said that last week so let's keep our fingers crossed this week.

We are also getting into making breakfast as a family again.  And I am learning that it wouldn't hurt me to take some cooking lessons (I think I know what I'll be getting for my birthday next year.)  After altering the initial batter twice, I think the end result was pretty good.  We used this recipe... but I clearly did something wrong because our pancakes do NOT look like theirs.

Aubree and I also helped Grandma and Grandpa pick out tile for their bathroom remodel.  We got tired by the end so had to take a little break.

Aubree also got to sit in Grandma and Grandpa's highchair for the first time this week!  I think she LOVED it!  She is such a social butterfly and loves sitting on my lap during meals.  But now, she gets to be a big girl and sit in her own chair.  She had the biggest smile the whole time.  I am also excited that she likes it because I can get more work done during the day.  

We enjoyed a lot of family time this week.  One of my favorite things is watching movies and just spending time as a family.  Aubree seems to like it too, but I think we tire her out.

Aubree also ended the car shopping process because we decided on and actually bought a car.  (Goodbye, little blue Mustang convertible... Hello, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Ramen for the next 5 years.)   Just kidding, but really... now we live in the world of car payments.  I think it will be worth it though.  I feel much safer driving Aubree around in a car that won't slide in the snow... or rain.  She seems to like it too because we can put a mirror on the seat so she has something to watch while we drive.  I am so excited about it!

Aubree has started to wiggle herself sideways in her bassinet... Every. Single. Night.  It wouldn't be so bad, but she is growing taller everyday and almost doesn't fit in the bassinet regular-ways, let alone sideways.  Then, she wakes up pissed because she can't kick her feet.  She is such a goof.  I love this little girl sooo much!  she is starting to develop her own little personality and it is so fun to watch her change.

And... just for fun, we camouflaged Miss A in her crib this week.  Can you see her?  ;)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Nursery Tour

I am in LOVE with Aubree's nursery!  So many people are excited to see it, so here it is!

Of course the chalkboard that I used for my belly pics and Aubree's weekly pics is in her room.  I can't wait for her to be able to draw on it.

I painstakingly made my own stencil, cut out the dots on sticker paper and placed the dots on the letters of her name.  Yes, it took many, many hours, but I am happy with how it turned out.  I am also in love with her crib, which will turn into a toddler bed and eventually a full sized bed when she gets older.  
Thank you Grandma Pat :)  These two blankets are from Grandma Ruby.

My mom made the curtains that are pink chevron and match perfectly.  My favorite doll is sitting in my old rocking chair in the corner.

Her changing table would not be complete without the 2013 American Girl doll, Sage.  And of course, we had to create something to hold all of her bows and headbands.

The frame on her dresser has a baby picture of Mommy, Daddy, and Baby Aubree and it says, "No wonder I am so cute!"

And I can't forget her closet!  All of the boxes are books that I need to put away, but I need to find a bookshelf first.  We had to box up her newborn clothes that she has outgrown and anything over size 9 months because we ran out of room and hangers.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Aubree is 12 weeks

Little Aubree had a rough start to the week.  She went to the doctor on Wednesday because we thought she had an ear infection.  Our little girl was diagnosed with reflux.  I feel terrible.  I know how much it hurts and I hope that her medicine will make her feel better.  I can't stand when Aubree is sad or in pain.  All I want is for her to be happy and healthy.

Her medicine seems to be helping though.  It is so good to see her happy again!

Playing with Daddy

We also celebrated the 4th of July!  Fireworks and all!  We spent the day playing yard games and hanging out with friends.  Aubree stayed awake ALL day!  She is our social butterfly and wouldn't nap at all.  (Well, I convinced rocked her to sleep for a few minutes throughout the day)  She wanted to be awake for all the action.  She stayed awake just long enough to see a few fireworks before we put her in her carseat and took her home.

She had a minor explosion and had to change clothes halfway through the day.  I am so excited for next year when she is able to watch sparklers and actually enjoy watching the fireworks.

Aubree also went car shopping with Mommy and Daddy.  My little blue mustang convertabe doesn't exactly fit in with all of the SUVs and minivans at the pediatricians office.  We are in the market for a mom car!  All the test driving and waiting to talk about prices wore her out.

Aside from the reflux, Aubree had a great week.  She is getting so big.  She is already 11 pounds and getting so tall.  I love this little girl more than anything.  She is such a good baby and knows exactly how to make us smile.  One little giggle from this tiny person and we lose it.  She is adorable when she the tv catches her eye and she watches tv with us or when she wiggles in her sleep and wakes up in a weird position.

She is also playing a lot more!  She loves her rattle.  She hit her rattle the whole way home from dinner with Grandma and Grandpa.

Go Rockies!  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Aubree is 11 weeks

Happy 11 weeks, Aubree!

Aubree had another busy week.  She loves playing in her jumper.  She was also lucky enough to get TWO play gyms, which she enjoys looking at.  (One at home and one at work.)  She isn't quite grabbing things yet, but she will soon.

Aubree loves being held... especially when I am supposed to be working.  I think she likes helping me work ;)  

This week we had a great time celebrating our friend's birthday with a BBQ on Saturday!  It is so good to hang out with friends!  Aubree is loving summer and meeting new people.
Aubree LOVES shopping, just like Mommy!  She was happy to be in her carseat because that means we are going somewhere fun (most of the time).

Aubree is doing great!  She sleeps between 4-6 hours at night and then is up every 2-3 hours until we get up for the day.  She loves being awake but hates waking up... just like Mom and Dad.  As for her Mom and Dad, we are also doing great!  We are loving being parents and our life as a family.  We are looking forward to celebrating the 4th of July and making red velvet pancakes for breakfast.  I can not wait until Miss A can eat solid food!  We are also looking forward to Dan having a few days off so we can just spend time together.