Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Aubree is 11 weeks

Happy 11 weeks, Aubree!

Aubree had another busy week.  She loves playing in her jumper.  She was also lucky enough to get TWO play gyms, which she enjoys looking at.  (One at home and one at work.)  She isn't quite grabbing things yet, but she will soon.

Aubree loves being held... especially when I am supposed to be working.  I think she likes helping me work ;)  

This week we had a great time celebrating our friend's birthday with a BBQ on Saturday!  It is so good to hang out with friends!  Aubree is loving summer and meeting new people.
Aubree LOVES shopping, just like Mommy!  She was happy to be in her carseat because that means we are going somewhere fun (most of the time).

Aubree is doing great!  She sleeps between 4-6 hours at night and then is up every 2-3 hours until we get up for the day.  She loves being awake but hates waking up... just like Mom and Dad.  As for her Mom and Dad, we are also doing great!  We are loving being parents and our life as a family.  We are looking forward to celebrating the 4th of July and making red velvet pancakes for breakfast.  I can not wait until Miss A can eat solid food!  We are also looking forward to Dan having a few days off so we can just spend time together.

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