Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Aubree is 10 weeks

Aubree had a great week!  She is definitely smiling and attempting to giggle.  It makes my heart melt.  Today she was staring me down with the mean lip and when I did it back to her, she smiled.  Then we spent the next 5 minutes smiling and giggling back and forth.  I love her so much!  She is definitely becoming a little person.  I am so excited for her to keep learning and getting stronger.

Aubree also had a great time hanging out with some friends this weekend.  Dan enjoyed using his grill for the first time (and everyday since then... maybe this vegetarian should have thought his Father's Day present through a little more.)  Haha!  Aubree even made some friends that are closer to her age.  I can't wait until she can play with her friends and we can relax and use their play dates as an excuse to hang out with our friends.

Aubree is growing so fast!  She is already trying to talk making noises, but I think it is adorable!

This week, Aubree used her bouncer for the first time!  She isn't really big enough for it yet, but she can hold her head up so I decided that she could use it when I watched her.  Her tiny legs don't reach the ground so we put a box under it and she does great!  She loves the music and tries to dance.  She loves watching all of the colors and movement.  She smiles so much when she is in it.

Aubree loves laying in bed with Mommy and Daddy.  Well, really doing anything with Mommy and Daddy.

Taking over Mommy's pillow
Making silly faces with Mommy

Dan and I have been trying a new restaurant every week.  Aubree loves sitting at the table on our laps or on the table.  She just likes to be part of the conversation and hates sitting in her carseat when there are things going on around her.  She is our social butterfly already.  She fell asleep at Luigi's though.  She fought it, but eventually gave in because Mommy was holding her.

Sleeping at Luigi's Italian Restaurant
Aubree hates pacifiers!  I am glad that I have them though because there have been a few nights that I will try anything.  I am glad that I was able to try them to know that they will not work.  Our first baby, Amp, loves them though... He thinks that they are delicious.


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